Design Patterns - SPLessons
SPLessons 5 Steps, 3 Clicks
5 Steps - 3 Clicks

Interpreter Pattern

Interpreter Pattern

shape Description

Interpreter Pattern is used for representing the language and provides an interpreter to work with the syntax of the language. Interpreter Pattern comes under Behavioral Pattern. For example, compiler converts the user defined language to machine understandable language.

shape Advantages

  • Mapping of domain and syntax to a language can be done easily.
  • One can easily understand and change the syntax of the language.

shape Conceptual figure

shape Examples

Creating a interface Name and importing Java.util Package. [java] import java.util.*; public interface Name { public String change(String exp); } [/java] Creating a class InfxToPostfxPattern that implements the interface Name. Infx is taken as input in the form of String and is converted to postfx. [java] public class InfxToPostfxPattern implements Name { public String change(String exp) { int priority = 0;// for the priority of operators. String postfix = ""; StackCharacter s1 = new StackCharacter(); for (int i = 0; i < exp.length(); i++) { char ch = exp.charAt(i); if (ch == '+' || ch == '-' || ch == '*' || ch == '/'||ch=='%') { if (s1.size() = 0)//size is checked s1.push(ch); } else { Character chTop = (Character) s1.peek(); if (chTop == '*' || chTop == '/') priority = 1; else priority = 0; if (priority == 1)//priority is equal to 1 { if (ch == '*' || ch == '/'||ch=='%') { postfix += s1.pop(); i--; } else { postfix += s1.pop(); i--; } } else { if (ch == '+' || ch == '-')//any one condition is true { postfix += s1.pop(); s1.push(ch); } else s1.push(ch); } } } else { postfix += ch; } } int len = s1.size();//length is assigned as integer for (int j = 0; j < len; j++) postfix += s1.pop(); return postfix; } }// End of the InfxToPostfxPattern class. [/java] Creating a Main class Interpreter and an object for the InfixToPostfixPattern class. [java] public class Interpreter { public static void main(String[] args) { String infix = "x*y+z"; InfixToPostfixPattern ip=new InfixToPostfixPattern(); String postfix = ip.conversion(infix); System.out.println("Infix: " + infix); System.out.println("Postfix: " + postfix); } } [/java]

shape Output

The result will be as follows. [java] Infx: x*y+c Postfx: xyz*+ [/java]


shape Key Points

  • Interpreter Pattern are applied for parsing light expressions.
  • Interpreter pattern can be applied to a limited area.