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APPSC Panchayat Secretary Physical Geography Practice Test

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APPSC Panchayat Secretary Physical Geography Practice Test

shape Introduction

APPSC all Set to conduct the exam for the post of APPSC Panchayat Secretary. APPSC Panchayat Secretary 2019 Screening Exam, will be conducted in Offline Mode, has: duration of 150 minutes, a maximum score of 150 marks and consists of 2 sections, namely – General Studies and Mental Ability, Rural Development and Problems in Rural Areas with special reference to Andhra Pradesh. APPSC Panchayat Secretary Mains exam has 2 papers (Paper 1 and Paper II), has: duration of 150 minutes, a maximum score of 300 marks and consists of 2 Papers, namely – General Studies and Mental Ability, Rural Development and Problems in Rural Areas with special reference to Andhra Pradesh.
As part of the preparation strategies aspirants solve the several practice sets and Mock tests available in the market. Solving APPSC Panchayat Secretary Physical Geography Practice Test is another preparation strategy that would assist the candidates in being able to analyze the type of expected questions in the actual exam. SPLessons has made a sincere effort to provide a list of APPSC Panchayat Secretary Physical Geography Practice Test for the aspirants of APPSC Panchayat Secretary.

shape Geography

1. Mist is caused by
    A. dry ice B. ice at low temperature C. water vapor at a low temperature D. carbon-monoxide in solid form

Answer: Option C
2. Land and sea-breezes occur due to:
    A. Conduction B. Convection C. Radiation D. Tides

Answer: Option B
3. Hanging Valley is formed due, to the action of
    A. Glacier B. River C. Ocean D. Wind

Answer: Option A
4. Which among the following coal contains 90 percent of carbon
    A. Anthracite B. Bitumen C. Lignite D. Peat

Answer: Option A
5. A tropical storm in the Chinese Sea is known as-
    A. Wave B. Tornado C. Typhoon D. Cyclone

Answer: Option C
6. The deepest trench of the world-The Mariana Trench’ is located in the
    A. Indian Ocean B. Atlantic Ocean C. Arctic Ocean D. Pacific Ocean

Answer: Option D
7. Which from the following, is a landlocked sea
    A. Timor Sea B. Arafura Sea C. Greenland Sea D. Aral Sea

Answer: Option D
8. Trade winds blow from the:
    A. equatorial low pressure B. polar high pressure C. subtropical high pressure D. subpolar low pressure

Answer: Option C
9. Convectional Rainfall occurs in :
    A. Equatorial region B. Temperate region C. Tropical region D. Polar region

Answer: Option A
10. Which from the following is a land-locked sea:
    A. Red Sea B. Timor Sea C. North Sea D. Aral Sea

Answer: Option D
1. Equatorial regions experience
    A. warm and dry climate B. hot and humid climate C. wet and windy climate D. moderately pleasant climate

Answer: Option B
2. When the barometer reading dips suddenly, it is an indication of
    A. Hot weather B. Calm weather C. Storm D. Dry weather

Answer: Option C
3. A place where there is constant intermingling of salt water and fresh water is
    A. Estuary B. Delta C. Gulf D. Bay

Answer: Option A
4. Mushroom Rocks are the typical land forms seen in
    A. River Valleys B. Mountain tops C. Coastal areas D. Deserts

Answer: Option D
5. The term ‘equinox’ means
    A. The path which the Earth takes around the Sun B. The axis of the Earth around which it rotates C. When the day and night are of equal duration D. The time when the Sun seems to be going round and round in the sky in the Arctic but does not go below the horizon

Answer: Option C
6. Isobars are lines joining places having equal
    A. Rainfall B. Pressure C. Population D. Height above sea-level

Answer: Option B
7. The deepest ocean of the world is
    A. Atlantic Ocean B. Arctic Ocean C. Indian Ocean D. Pacific Ocean

Answer: Option D
8. The presence of ozone in the stratosphere is responsible for:
    A. increasing the average global temperature in recent years B. higher rate of photosynthesis C. checking the penetration of ultra-violet rays to the earth D. supplying oxygen for people travelling in jets

Answer: Option C
9. Tropical grassland of Brazil is called:
    A. Campos B. Pampas C. Prairies D. Savannah

Answer: Option A
10. Basaltic lava is found in the:
    A. Deccan Trap B. Himalayas C. Indo-Gangetic Plain D. North-Eastern Hills

Answer: Option A
1. Mediterranean type of climate is characterized by
    A. dry summer and wet winter B. wet summer and dry winter C. dry summer and dry winter D. wet summer and wet winter

Answer: Option A
2. Which one of the following types of erosion is responsible for the formation of Chambal Ravines?
    A. Splash B. Sheet C. Rill D. Gully

Answer: Option D
3. Where in India can you normally spot the Siberian crane in winter?
    A. Sasangir Sanctuary B. Ranthambore Sanctuary C. Dachigam National Park D. Keoladeo Ghana Sanctuary

Answer: Option D
4. Which of the following type of coal has the lowest proportion of volatile matter ?
    A. Lignite B. Peat C. Bituminous D. Anthracite

Answer: Option D
5. Which of the following winds is called anti-trade wind?
    A. Chinook B. Cyclone C. Typhoon D. Westerlies

Answer: Option D
6. At what height geosynchronous orbit is located?
    A. 6 km B. 1000 km C. 3600 km D. 36,000 km

Answer: Option D
7. The orbits of planets around the sun may be
    A. Great circular and parabolic B. Parabolic and hyper parabolic C. Circular and parabolic D. Circular and great circular

Answer: Option A
8. What is supernova:
    A. A black hole B. A dying star C. An asteroid D. A comet

Answer: Option B
9. The term ‘Isoneph’ indicates the lines of equal:
    A. cloudiness B. salinity C. rainfall D. pressure

Answer: Option A
10. Which is the world’s largest desert?
    A. Sahara B. Gobi C. Thar D. Takala Makan

Answer: Option A
1. “Climate is extreme, rainfall is scanty, and the people used to be nomadic hoarders”. For which region is this statement correct?
    A. African Savanna B. Central Asian Steppes C. Siberian Tundra D. North American Prairies

Answer: Option C
2. The atmospheric layer reflecting radio waves is called?
    A. Ozonosphere B. Ionosphere C. Stratosphere D. Mesosphere

Answer: Option B
3. The deepest surface depression on the earth is?
    A. Kurile Trench B. Mariana Trench C. Tonga-Kermadec Trench D. BentleySubglacial Trench

Answer: Option B
4. Shale is metamorphosed into which of the following rocks
    A. Graphite B. Gneiss C. Marble D. Slate

Answer: Option D
5. Where are the hot deserts generally found ?
    A. On the eastern margins of the Tropics B. On the western margins of the Tropics C. Nearer the Equator D. In the middle of the Continents

Answer: Option B
6. Why are winters more severe in Southern Hemisphere than in Northern Hemisphere?
    A. Earth is titled towards the sun in the Northern Hemisphere B. Northern Hemisphere receives more sunlight C. Because of more iceberg activity in Southern Hemisphere D. Southern Hemisphere is less inhabited

Answer: Option B
7. Duncan Passage is located between
    A. South and Little Andaman B. North and South Andaman C. North and Middle Andaman D. Andaman and Nicobar

Answer: Option A
8. Where does most of the weather phenomena take place:
    A. Ionosphere B. Troposphere C. Stratosphere D. Tropopause

Answer: Option B
9. Colorado in U.S.A. is famous for this landform:
    A. Grand Canyon B. Grand Crators C. Great Valleys D. Great Basins

Answer: Option A
10. Daily weather changes in the atmosphere are associated with?
    A. Troposphere B. Mesosphere C. Ionosphere D. Stratosphere

Answer: Option A