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Biology Practice Quiz

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Biology Practice Quiz

shape Introduction

Biology is an important topic in General Science section of various competitive exams across the globe. Biology Practice Quiz , is exceedingly important for candidates preparing for recruitment exams in India such as RRB ALP/Technical Exams/Junior Engineer Recruitment, SSC CGL, UPSC (Civil services exam including IAS) and various others.
General Science is a subject or course of study in which the elements of several sciences are studied. General Science is a very important topic in several competitive exams. General Science primarily is a combination of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Earth & Environmental Sciences. Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Earth and Environmental Sciences are very useful for the general understanding of our environment and existence of life on human planet. The article General Science Questions Practice lists some of the important quiz questions for the General Science section of various exams including UPSC, Railways recruitment and other government sector related recruitments in India.
Physics is the scientific study of forces such as heat, light, pressure, gravity, and electricity.
Chemistry is involved with elements and compounds composed of atoms, molecules, and ions. It is a branch of science that involves the study of the composition, structure and properties of matter.
Biology, a branch of science is the study of life and living organisms, including their physical structure, chemical processes, molecular interactions, physiological mechanisms, development and evolution.

shape Quiz

1. In which of the following are Mitochondria absent?
    A. Fungi B. Angiosperms C. Green algae D. Blue-green algae

Answer - Option D
Explanation -
Mitochondria is present in fungi, angiosperm and green algae white it is not found in blue-green algae.
2. Eucaryotic organisms are those that contain
    A. DNA threads B. Plastids C. True nucleus D. Vacuoles

Answer - Option C
Explanation -
Eucaryotic organisms are those contain true nucleus.
3. With which of the following is Azotobacter associated ?
    A. Carbon fixation B. Nitrogen fixation C. Fermentation D. Root nodules

Answer - Option B
Explanation -
Azatabacter is associated with nitrogen fixation, which is found in the root nodules of leguminous plants.
4. Which of the following micro nutrients plays an important role in the nitrogen metabolism of plants, especially in the reduction of nitrate?
    A. Boron B. Copper C. Molybdenum D. Zinc

Answer - Option C
Explanation -
Molybdenum is a micro nutrients which plays an important role in the nitrogen metabolism of plants, especially in the reduction of nitrate.
5. Plant development is influenced by
    A. Quality of light only B. Quality and quantity of light C. Quality and duration of light D. Quality, quantity and duration of light

Answer - Option D
Explanation -
Plant development is influenced by quality, quantity and also by duration of light.
6. Edible part of tomato is
    A. Endocarp B. Fleshy thalamus C. Mesocarp D. Whole fruit

Answer - Option D
Explanation -
Whole fruit is an edible part of tomato.
7. Xylem is a complex tissue, consisting of different types of cells. Which of the following perform the function of conduction of water and minerals?
    A. Fibers B. Parenchyma cells C. Tracheary elements D. None of these

Answer - Option C
Explanation -
Xylem is a complex tissue, consisting of different types of cell in which tracheary elements are perform the function of conduction of water and minerals.
8. The edible portion of mango is
    A. Embryo B. Endocarp C. Endosperm D. Mesocarp

Answer - Option D
Explanation -
The edible portion of mango is mesocarp.
9. The rice grain is
    A. A seed B. One seeded fruit C. Many seeded fruit D. Multiple seeded fruit

Answer - Option A
Explanation -
The rice grain is a seed of paddy crop.
10. In which of the following are plastids not present?
    A. Aernechyma B. Collenchyma C. Parenchyma D. Schlerenchyma

Answer - Option D
Explanation -
Plastide are present in aernechyma, collenchyma and parenchyma while it is not found in schlerenchyma.
11. Bamboo is a
    A. Herb B. Grass C. Shrub D. Tree

Answer - Option B
Explanation -
Bomboo is form of grass.
12. Cork cells are impervious to water because of the presence of
    A. Cellulose B. Cutin C. Lignin D. Suberin

Answer - Option D
Explanation -
Corp cells are impervious to water because of the presence of suber in
13. The biotic relationship between insects and plants with reference to pollination is called
    A. Commonsalism B. Mutualism C. Parasitism D. Saprophytism

Answer - Option B
Explanation -
The biotic relationship between insects and plants with reference to pollination is called mutualism.
14. Photosynthesis generally takes place in which portions of the plant ?
    A. Leaf and other chloroplast bearing parts B. Stem and leaf C. Roots and chloroplast bearing parts D. Bark and leaf

Answer - Option A
Explanation -
Photosynthesis takes place in leaves and other chloroplast bearing plants in which chlorophyll is present.
15. Opium is obtained from
    A. Poppy leaves B. Latex juice C. Tablet type latex D. Seed capsule of opium poppy

Answer - Option D
Explanation -
Opium is obtained from seed capsule of opium poppy.
1. In the context of genetics, DNA stands for
    A. Di-Neuro Acid B. Daily News Analysis C. Detoxic Neuro Acid D. Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid

Answer - Option D
Explanation -
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a molecule composed of two chains (made of nucleotide) that coil around each other to form a double helix carrying the genetic instructions used in the growth, development, functioning and reproduction of all known living organisms and many viruses.
2. Match the following:
1. Cell wall a. Mitochondria
2. ATP b. Plant cell

    A. l – (a), 2 – (a) B. l – (a), 2 – (b) C. 1 – (b), 2 – (a) D. l – (b), 2 – (b)

Answer - Option C
Explanation -
Cell walls are present in most prokaryotes (except mycoplasma bacteria), in algae, plants and fungi. Mitochondria are the energy factories of the cells. The energy currency for the work that animals must do is the energy-rich molecule adenosine triphosphate (ATP). The ATP is produced in the mitochondria using energy stored in food.
3. Synapses and Dendrites are associated with
    A. cortex B. epithelium C. retina D. nerve-cells

Answer - Option D
Explanation -
Synapses and Dendrites are associated with nerve-cells.In the nervous system, a synapse is a structure that permits a neuron (or nerve cell) to pass an electrical or chemical signal to another neuron or to the target effector cell.
4. A tissue that connects muscle to bones in humans is called
    A. Tendon B. Fibre C. Axon D. Femur

Answer - Option A
Explanation -
A tendon is a tough yet flexible band of fibrous tissue. The tendon is the structure in your body that connects a muscle to a bone. The structure that transmits the force of the muscle contraction to the bone is called a tendon.
5. Hematology is the study related to
    A. Plant reproduction system B. Blood C. Food habits of animals D. Bones

Answer - Option B
Explanation -
Hematology, also spelled hematology, is the branch of medicine concerned with the study of the cause, prognosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases related to blood.
6. Which of the following is not a food borne disease?
    A. Amoebiasis B. Cholera C. Influenza D. Hepatitis A

Answer - Option C
Explanation -
Among the given options, Influenza is not a food borne disease. Food borne illness (also food borne disease and colloquially referred to as food poisoning) is any illness resulting from the food spoilage of contaminated food, pathogenic bacteria, viruses, or parasites that contaminate food as well as toxins such as poisonous mushrooms.
7. A pheromone secreted by an animal
    A. influences the behavior of animals of same species B. protects it from predators C. attracts the victims for its food D. none of the above

Answer - Option A
Explanation -
A pheromone secreted by an animal influences the behavior of animals of same species. It is generally used for mate selection.
8. Secretion of Insulin Hormone is by :
    A. Thyroid B. Pituitary C. Adrena D. Pancreas

Answer - Option D
Explanation -
Insulin and glucagon are hormones secreted by islet cells within the pancreas. They are both secreted in response to blood sugar levels, but in opposite fashion! Insulin is normally secreted by the beta cells (a type of islet cell) of the pancreas.
9. Earthworm belongs to which of the following Animal Phyla ?
    A. Arthropoda B. Mollusca C. Annelida D. Protozoa

Answer - Option C
Explanation -
Earthworms are segmented worms of the phylum Annelida, which encompasses about 9,000 species and three classes. Class Oligochaeta are the freshwater worms (including earthworms); class Polychaeta are the marine worms; and class Hirudinea are the leeches.
10. The total number of bones in the average adult human skeleton is :
    A. 350 B. 206 C. 115 D. 540

Answer - Option B
Explanation -
The total number of bones in the average adult human skeleton is 206.
11. Identify the disease which is caused due to deficiency of Protein ?
    A. Scurvy B. Beri-Beri C. Night-Blindness D. Kwashiorkor

Answer - Option D
Explanation - Kwashiorkor is a form of severe protein
malnutrition characterized by edema, and an enlarged liver with fatty infiltrates. Sufficient calorie intake, but with insufficient protein consumption, distinguishes it from marasmus.
12. In humans, bile juice is secreted by
    A. pancreas B. small intestine C. esophagus D. liver

Answer - Option D
Explanation -
Bile or gall is a dark green to yellowish brown fluid, produced by the liver of most vertebrates, that aids the digestion of lipids in the small intestine. In humans, bile is produced continuously by the liver (liver bile), and stored and concentrated in the gallbladder.
13. Which of the following is connected with transport of water in plants ?
    A. Phloem B. Xylem C. Epidermis D. Cambium

Answer - Option B
Explanation -
Xylem is one of the two types of transport tissue in vascular plants, phloem being the other. The basic function of xylem is to transport water from roots to shoots and leaves, but it also transports nutrients.
14. Nephrons are connected with
    A. Respiratory System B. Nervous System C. Circulatory System D. Excretory System

Answer - Option D
Explanation -
Nephrons are connected with excretory System. It is the microscopic structural and functional unit of the kidney. It is composed of a renal corpuscle and a renal tubule.
15. Sight of delicious food usually makes mouth watery, it is a
    A. Hormonal response B. Neural response C. Optic response D. Olfactory response

Answer - Option B
Explanation -
Sight of delicious food usually makes mouth watery, it is a neural response.
1. According to IPCC, three factors contributing to Global warming are :
    1) [latex]{CO}_{2}[/latex] emissions 2) Change of land use deforestation 3) Non-veg food
Place them in the order of their contribution to global warming.

    A. 1, 2, 3 B. 1, 3, 2 C. 3, 1, 2 D. 2, 1, 3

Answer - Option A
Explanation -
According to IPCC, three factors contributing to Global warming are [latex]{CO}_{2}[/latex] emissions, Change of land use deforestation as well as non-veg food. Global carbon emissions from fossil fuels have significantly increased since 1900. Since 1970, [latex]{CO}_{2}[/latex] emissions have increased by about 90%, with emissions from fossil fuel combustion and industrial processes contributing about 78% of the total greenhouse gas emissions increase from 1970 to 2011. Agriculture, deforestation, and other land-use changes have been the second-largest contributors.
2. Stomata are located in-
    A. Red blood cells B. Chlorophyll C. Stomach D. Leaves

Answer - Option D
Explanation -
In botany, a stoma (also stomate; plural stomata) is a tiny opening or pore that is used for gas exchange. They are mostly found on the under-surface of plant leaves. In a stoma, there is the chloroplast, a cell wall, a vacuole and a cell nucleus.
3. Bile is secreted by-
    A. Stomach B. Liver C. Large intestine D. Gall bladder

Answer - Option B
Explanation -
Bile or gall is a dark green to yellowish brown fluid, produced by the liver of most vertebrates, that aids the digestion of lipids in the small intestine. In humans, bile is produced continuously by the liver (liver bile), and stored and concentrated in the gallbladder.
4. In the context of action of medicines on human body, match the following: 1. Receptors a. Catalysts 2. Enzymes b. Neurologically active 3. Tranquilizers c. Proteins
1. Receptors a. Catalysts
2. Enzymes b. Neurologically active
3. Tranquilizers c. Proteins

    A. 1-c, 2-a, 3-b B. 1-a, 2-c, 3-b C. 1-b, 2-a, 3-c D. 1-a, 2-b, 3-c

Answer - Option A
Explanation -
The principal minor tranquilizers are the benzodiazepines, among which are diazepam (Valium), chlordiazepoxide (Librium), and alprazolam (Xanax). These drugs have a calming effect and eliminate both the physical and psychological effects of anxiety or fear. Enzymer is a catalyst. Enzymes are proteins functioning as catalysts that speed up reactions by lowering the activation energy.In biochemistry and pharmacology, a receptor is a protein molecule that receives chemical signals from outside a cell.
5. Which of the following tissues transports water and minerals from roots to other parts of the plant?
    A. Phloem B. Vessel C. Sieve tube D. Xylem

Answer - Option D
Explanation -
Xylem and Phloem tissues are present throughout the plant. They begin at the root and then move up to the stem, branches, and leaves. The xylem tissue transports water and minerals from the roots to the leaves whereas the phloem tissue transports food from the leaves to the other parts of the plant.
6. An eating disorder of excessive weight loss usually due to undue concern about body - shape is known as:
    A. Anorexia nervosa B. Appetitis C. Autotrophic disorder D. Autotrophic syndrome

Answer - Option
Explanation -
Anorexia nervosa is a potentially life threatening eating disorder characterized by self-starvation, excessive weight loss and negative body image. Anorexia can affect individuals of all genders, races and ethnicities. While most common among females, about 10-15% of all individuals with anorexia are males. People of all ages develop anorexia but it is most common for onset to occur during adolescence.
7. Match the following -
1. Lysosomes a. Power House
2. DNA b. Chromosomes
3. Mitochondria c. Suicide bags

    A. 1-a, 2-c, 3-b B. l-c, 2-b, 3-a C. 1-b, 2-c, 3 a D. 1-c, 2-a, 3-b

Answer - Option B
Explanation -
Mitochondria are tiny organelles inside cells that are involved in releasing energy from food. This process is known as cellular respiration. It is for this reason that mitochondria are often referred to as the powerhouses of the cell. Lysosomes are tiny sacs mostly present in animal cells. They are filled with digestive enzymes. The released enzymes then digest their own cell and ultimately the cell dies. Hence, lysosomes are called suicide bags of the cell.
8. Nature's cleaners are :
    A. Producers B. Consumers C. Decomposers D. Carnivores

Answer - Option C
Explanation - Nature’s cleaners are decomposers. Decomposers and scavengers break down dead plants and animals. They also break down the waste (poop) of other organisms. Decomposers are very important for any ecosystem. If they weren’t in the ecosystem, the plants would not get essential nutrients, and dead matter and waste would pile up.
9. Triple Vaccine is administered to a new born child to immunize against :
    A. Whooping Cough, Tetanus and Measles B. Whooping Cough, Tetanus and Diphtheria C. Tetanus, Diphtheria and Small pox D. Tetanus, Typhoid and Hepatitis

Answer - Option B
Explanation -
Triple Vaccine is administered to a new born child to immunize against whooping Cough, Tetanus and Diphtheria.
10. A correct food chain is :
    A. Producers, Herbivores, Carnivores B. Producers, Carnivores, Herbivores C. Herbivores, Carnivores, Producers D. Herbivores, Producers, Carnivores

Answer - Option A
Explanation - A correct food chain is Producers, Herbivores, Carnivores.
11. Earthworm belongs to following animal phyla ?
    A. Porifera B. Annelida C. Mollusca D. Arthropoda

Answer - Option B
Explanation -
Phylum: Annelida. Annelids are segmented worms. Earthworms belong to this phylum because their bodies are sectioned, creating the ridged or ringed appearance that gives the “ringed worms” of this phylum their name.
12. Which one of the following contains Human body's thermostat ?
    A. Pineal B. Pituitary C. Thyroid D. Hypothalamus

Answer - Option D
Explanation -
Hypothalamus contains Human body’s thermostat. The hypothalamus is a small region of the brain. It’s located at the base of the brain, near the pituitary gland. While it’s very small, the hypothalamus plays a crucial role in many important functions, including: releasing hormones. regulating body temperature.
13. Which one of the following blood group is considered Universal Donor ?
    A. AB B. O C. A D. B

Answer - Option B
Explanation -
In transfusions of packed red blood cells, individuals with type O Rh D negative blood are often called universal donors. Those with type AB Rh D positive blood are called universal recipients.
14. The number of chromosomes in a normal human body cell is :
    A. 43 B. 44 C. 45 D. 46

Answer - Option D
Explanation -
There are 46 total chromosomes in a normal human body cell. They pair up, creating 23 pairs of chromosomes.
15. Which one of the following diseases is caused due to deficiency of protein ?
    A. Kwashiorkor B. Rickets C. Beri - Beri D. Scurvy

Answer - Option A
Explanation -
Protein malnutrition, or kwashiorkor, is mostly found in people living in geographical areas that have limited food resources. It’s most commonly seen in children whose diets are low in protein and calories.