Current Affairs - Vocabulary - SPLessons

Current Affairs Vocabulary Day 41

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Current Affairs Vocabulary Day 41

shape Introduction

A Newspaper is a printed or online publication that provides readers with news and articles i.e. the current affairs of a country and the world. Current Affairs play a prominent role in several government related recruitment exams in India. To better understand the current state of affairs, a candidate should acquire rich vocabulary primarily used by editors and publications of newspaper articles and editorials. SPLessons has made an effort to provide a comprehensive list of commonly used words in newspaper articles and editorials. Current Affairs Vocabulary Day 41 provides the readers with a collection of useful vocabulary for newspapers.

shape Vocabulary

Word Definition Synonyms Usage
Artifice (Noun) Clever or cunning devices or expedients, especially as used to trick or deceive others.
  • Deceit
  • Deception
  • Guile
  • Trickery
When the con artist tried to fool the old man with his artifice, he found himself in front of the man’s loaded shotgun.
Conflate (Verb) Combine (two or more sets of information, texts, ideas, etc.) into one.
  • Amalgamate
  • Consolidate
  • Converge
  • Fuse
I was able to conflate the two processes into one, blending it down into a solid formula.
Disparage (Verb) Regard or represent as being of little worth.
  • Belittle
  • Denigrate
  • Deprecate
  • Depreciate
It is never right to disparage people based on ethnicity.
Exigent (Adjective) Pressing; Demanding.
  • Urgent
  • Crucial
I try not to be exigent with my students, but as a teacher I have to press them to get their work done.
Fetter (Verb) Confine or restrict (someone).
  • Restrict
  • Restrain
  • Constrain
  • Confine
  • Limit
It could fetter the independence of the judiciary.
Word Definition Synonyms Usage
Guile (Noun) Sly or cunning intelligence.
  • Cunning
  • Artifice
  • Canniness
A Shady salesman usually relies on a combination of quick thinking and guile.
Hone (Verb) To make sharp or sharper
  • Edge
  • Grind
  • Sharpen
  • Stone
Honed the knifeʼs blade to razor-like sharpness
Indubitable (Adjective) Impossible to doubt; Unquestionable.
  • Unquestionable
  • Undoubtable
  • Indisputable
  • Unarguable
The indubitable benefit of using coupons is the ability to save money.
Inexplicable (Adjective) Unable to be explained or accounted for.
  • Unaccountable
  • Unexplainable
  • Incomprehensible
  • Unfathomable
  • Impenetrable
Although Will is normally a good kid, his inexplicable behavior today surprised everyone and got him kicked out of school.
Petulant (Adjective) (of a person or their manner) childishly sulky or bad-tempered.
  • Peevish
  • Bad-tempered
  • Ill-tempered
  • Pettish
When the movie started, the petulant infant would not stop crying because of the loud noise.