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International Organizations Abbreviations

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International Organizations Abbreviations

International Organizations Abbreviations

shape Introduction

International Organizations Abbreviations is an important general awareness topic for various competitive exams in India. There are a vast number of International Organizations around the world. Below table lists some of the important International Organizations Abbreviations and their expansions in the alphabetical order.

shape Abbreviations

S.No. Abbreviations Expansions
1 4H Head, Heart, Hands, Health.
2 AA Alcoholics Anonymous.
3 AAI Airport Authority of India.
4 AARP American Association of Retired Persons.
5 ACC Arab Cooperation Council.
6 ACCT Agency for the French Speaking Community.
7 ACL American Consultants League.
8 ACLU American Civil Liberties Union.
9 ACP Group African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States.
10 ADA American Dental Association.
11 ADF Alliance Defense Fund.
12 ADIDAS Adolf “Adi” Dassler.
13 AFC Ambassadors for Christ.
14 AI Air India.
15 AICI Agricultural Insurance Corporation of India.
16 AIDWA All India Democratic Woman’s Association.
17 AIR All India Radio.
18 AL Arab League.
19 ALIMCO Artificial Limbs Manufacturing Corporation of India.
20 ALM Asset Liability Management.
21 AMF Arab Monetary Fund.
22 AMFI Association of Mutual Funds in India.
23 AMU Arab Maghreb Union.
24 AMUL Anand Milk Union Limited.
25 ANZUS Australia New Zealand United States Security Treaty.
26 APEC Asia- Pacific Economic Cooperation
27 APS Apostrophe Protection Society.
28 APWG Anti Phishing Working Group.
29 Arabsat Arab Satellite Communications Organization.
30 ARDR Agricultural and Rural Debt Relief.
31 ARF ASEAN Regional Forum.
32 ASCI Advertising Standard Council of India.
33 ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations.
34 ASSOCHAM Associated Chamber of Commerce and Industry .
35 ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials.
36 ATS Anti Terrorism Squad.
37 AT&T American Telephone & Telegraph Systems.
38 AWAI American Writers and Artists Institute.
S.No. Abbreviations Expansions
1 BBB Better Business Bureau.
2 BBC British Broadcasting Corporation.
3 BBNL Bharat Broadband Network Limited.
4 BIS Bureau of Indian Standards.
5 BMW Bavarian Motor Works.
6 BOLT BSE On Line Trading.
7 BPO Business Process Outsourcing.
8 BSCS Basel Committee on Banking Supervision.
9 BSEC Black Sea Economic Cooperation Zone.
10 BSNL Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited.
S.No. Abbreviations Expansions
1 CAA Canadian Auto Association.
2 C & AG Comptroller & Auditor General..
3 CABE Central Advisory Board of Education.
4 c.i.f. cost,insurance and freight.
5 CACM Central American Common Market.
6 CACP Commission of Agriculture Cost and Price.
7 CAEU Council of Arab Economic Unity.
8 CAN Andean Community of Nations.
9 CAP Civil Air Patrol.
10 Caricom Caribbean Community and Common Market.
11 CARA The Classification and Rating Administration.
12 CB Citizen’s Band mobile radio communications.
13 CBSS Council of the Baltic Sea States.
14 CCC Customs Cooperation Council.
15 CCI Competition Commission of India.
16 CCIC Central Cottage Industries Corporation .
17 CE Council of Europe.
18 CEI Central European Initiative.
19 CEMAC Monetary and Economic Community of Central Africa.
20 CEMA Council for Mutual Economic Assistance or CMEA or Comecon.
21 CEPGL Economic Community of the Great Lakes Countries.
22 CERC Central Electricity Regulatory Commission.
23 CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research.
24 CGTMS Credit Guarantee Fund Trust for Micro and Small Enterprises.
25 CID Criminal Investigation Department.
26 CIS Commonwealth of Independent States.
27 CJA Canadian Jewelers Association.
28 CMC Computer Maintenance Corporation.
29 COCOM Coordinating Committee on Export Controls.
30 COMPA Conference of Minority Public Administrators.
31 Comsat Communications Satellite Corporation.
32 CRM Customer Relationship Management.
33 CSIR Council of Scientific and Industrial Research.
34 CRISIL Credit Rating Information Services of India Limited.
35 CRPF Central Reserved Police Force.
36 CVC Central Vigilance Commission.
S.No. Abbreviations Expansions
1 DAN Divers Alert Network.
2 DAR Daughters of the American Revolution.
3 DC Developed Country.
4 DGCA Directorate General of Civil Aviation.
5 DMA Direct Marketing Association.
6 DMEF Direct Marketing Educational Foundation.
7 DLF Delhi Land and Finance.
8 DRSC District level Road Safety Committees.
9 DSN Defense Switched Network
10 DWT Dead Weight Ton.
S.No. Abbreviations Expansions
1 EAPC Euro Atlantic Partnership Council.
2 EPFO Employee Provident Fund Organisation.
3 EC European Community.
4 ECIL Electronic Corporation of India Limited.
5 ECO Economic Cooperation Organization.
6 ECOSOC Economic and Social Council.
7 ECS European Coal and Steel Community.
8 EEC European Economic Community.
9 EFTA European Free Trade Association.
10 EMU European Monetary Union.
11 ESA European Space Agency.
12 ESCAP Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific.
13 ESCWA Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia.
14 EU European Union.
15 Euratom European Atomic Energy Community.
16 Eutelsat European Telecommunications Satellite Organization.
S.No. Abbreviations Expansions
1 FAO Food and Agriculture Organization.
2 FB Federal Bank.
3 FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation.
4 FCA Fellowship of Christian Athletes.
5 FCI Food Corporation of India .
6 FICCI Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
7 FIEO Federation of Indian Export Organization.
8 FLS Front Line States.
9 FRC Family Research Council.
10 FRG Federal Republic of Germany.
11 FSLRC Financial Sector Legislative Reforms Commission.
12 FSAAI Food Safety and Standards Authority of India.
13 FSU Former Soviet Union.
14 FTII Film and Television Institute of India.
S.No. Abbreviations Expansions
1 GAIL Gas Authority of India Limited.
2 GAIN Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition.
3 GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.
4 GCC Gulf Cooperation Council.
5 GDR German Democratic Republic.
6 GUE Global Underwater Explorers.
S.No. Abbreviations Expansions
1 HDFC Housing Development Finance Corporation.
2 HSBC Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation.
3 HSLDA Home School Legal Defense Association.
4 HTC High Tech Computer.
S.No. Abbreviations Expansions
1 IAS Indian Administrative Service.
2 IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency.
3 IAHBE International Association of Home Business Entrepreneurs.
4 IANTD International Association of Nitrox and Technical Divers.
5 IBEC International Bank for Economic Cooperation.
6 IBM International Business Machines.
7 ICANN Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers.
8 ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization.
9 ICC International Chamber of Commerce.
10 ICJ International Court of Justice (World Court).
11 ICRA Investment Information and Credit Rating Agency of India Limited.
12 ICRA Internet Content Rating Association.
13 ICRC International Committee of the Red Cross.
14 ICRM International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.
15 ICTR International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda.
16 ICTY International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia.
17 ICWA Indian Child Welfare Act.
18 ICWA Institute of Cost & Works Accountants of India.
19 IDA International Development Association.
20 IDFC Infrastructure Development Finance Co. Ltd.
21 IEA International Energy Agency.
22 IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
23 IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development.
24 IFC International Finance Corporation.
25 IFCTU International Federation of Christian Trade Unions.
26 IFRCS International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.
27 IGADD Inter Governmental Authority on Drought and Development.
28 IGAD Inter Governmental Authority on Development.
29 IGBC Indian Green Building Council.
30 IGC Indian Coast Guard.
31 IGIDR Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research.
32 IHO International Hydrographic Organization.
33 IIFS Indian International Friendship Society.
34 ILO International Labor Organization.
35 IMA Indian Medical Association.
36 IMF International Monetary Fund.
37 IMO International Maritime Organization.
38 Inmarsat International Mobile Satellite Organization.
39 InOC Indian Ocean Commission.
40 INSTRAW International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women.
41 Intelsat International Telecommunications Satellite Organization.
42 Interpol International Criminal Police Organization.
43 Intersputnik International Organization of Space Communications.
44 IOC International Olympic Committee.
45 IOM International Organization for Migration.
46 IPA International Paruresis Association.
47 IRCTC Indian Railways Catering and Tourism Corporation.
48 IRDA Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority.
49 ISO International Organization for Standardization.
50 IREA International Renewable Energy Agency.
51 ISI Indian Standards Institute.
52 ISI Indian Statistical Institute.
53 ISRO Indian Space Research Organization.
54 ITBP Indo Tibetan Border Police.
55 ITC Indian Tobacco Company.
56 ITC Indian Trade Centre.
57 ITI Industrial Training Institute.
58 ITU International Telecommunication Union.
S.No. Abbreviations Expansions
1 JCB Joseph Cyril Bamford.
2 JNPT Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust.
S.No. Abbreviations Expansions
1 KFC Kentucky Fried Chicken.
2 KKK Klu Klux Klan
3 KPMG Klynveld Peat Marwick Goerdeler.
S.No. Abbreviations Expansions
1 LAIA Latin American Integration Association.
2 LG Lucky Goldstar.
3 LOS Law of the Sea.
S.No. Abbreviations Expansions
1 MADD Mothers Against Drunk Driving.
2 MARECS Maritime European Communications Satellite.
3 Medarabtel Middle East Telecommunications Project of the International Telecommunication Union.
4 MOPS Mothers of Pre Schoolers.
5 MUDRA Micro Units Development and Refinance Agency.
S.No. Abbreviations Expansions
1 NABET National Association of Broadcast Employees and Technicians.
2 NACO National AIDS Control Organisation.
3 NASA National Aeronautics Space Administration.
4 NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
5 NBA National Business Association.
6 NBFC Non Banking Finance Companies.
7 NC Nordic Council.
8 NCC National Cadet Corps.
9 NCFC Noncontrolled Foreign Corporation.
10 NCRPB National Capital Region Planning Board.
11 NCTC Terrorism Centre.
12 NDA National Defence Academy.
13 NDDB National Dairy Development Board.
14 NDMA National Disaster Management Authority.
15 NEA Nuclear Energy Agency.
16 NEA National Education Association.
17 NFSA National Food Security Act.
18 NGO Non Governmental Organization.
19 NHAI National Highways Authority of India.
20 NIC Newly Industrializing Country.
21 NIE Newly Industrializing Economy.
22 NIFL National Institute for Literacy.
23 NIS New Independent States.
24 NJAC National Judicial Appointments Commission.
25 NLC Neyveli Lignite Corporation.
26 NM Nautical Mile.
27 NMT Nordic Mobile Telephone.
28 NRA National Rifle Association.
29 NSDL National Securities Depository Limited.
30 NSG Nuclear Suppliers Group.
31 NSIC National Small Industries Corporation Ltd.
32 NSS National Space Society.
33 NUMA National Underwater and Marine Agency.
S.No. Abbreviations Expansions
1 OAPEC Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries.
2 OAS Organization of American States.
3 OAU Organization of African Unity.
4 ODA Official Development Assistance.
5 OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
6 OECS Organization of Eastern Caribbean States.
7 OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer.
8 OIC Organization of the Islamic Conference.
9 ONGC Oil and Natural Gas Corporation.
10 OPCW Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons.
11 OPEC Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries.
12 OSCE Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.
13 OSRC Oil Spill Response Centre.
S.No. Abbreviations Expansions
1 PADI Professional Association of Diving Instructors.
2 PEAH Parents Educating at Home.
3 PFIC Passive Foreign Investment Company.
4 PK Promise Keepers.
5 PSU Public Sector Undertaking.
6 PVR Priya Village Roadshow.
7 PWD Public Works Department.
8 RAW Research and Analysis Wing.
9 RBI Reserve Bank of India.
10 RCTC Risk Capital & Technology Corporation Ltd.
11 RIAA Recording Industry Association of America.
12 RTO Road Transport Office.
S.No. Abbreviations Expansions
1 SAARC South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation.
2 SACU Southern African Customs Union.
3 SADC Southern African Development Community.
4 SBBJ State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur.
5 SBH State Bank of Hyderabad.
6 SBI State Bank of India SBS State Bank of Saurashtra.
7 SBT State Bank of Travencor.
8 SECI Solar Energy Corporation of India.
9 SECI Southeast European Cooperative Initiative.
10 SFRY Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
11 SHCIL Stock Holding Corporation of India Ltd.
12 SIL Snowcem India Ltd.
13 SIB South Indian Bank.
14 SIPCOT State Industries Promotion Corporation of Tamilnadu.
15 SMAC Securities Market Advisory Committee.
16 SOS Save Our Souls.
17 SPART Self Propelled Accident Relief Unit.
18 SPARTECA South Pacific Regional Trade and Economic Cooperation Agreement.
19 SPC South Pacific Commission.
20 SPC Special Purpose Company.
21 SPF South Pacific Forum.
22 SSC Staff Selection Commission.
23 SWEPA Subscription Website Publishers’ Association.
24 SWIFT Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication.
S.No. Abbreviations Expansions
1 TVS Trichur Vengaram Sundaram.
2 TAT Trans Atlantic Telephone.
3 TISCO Tata Iron and Steel Company.
4 TNL The Next Level.
5 TRAI Telecom Regulatory Authority of India.
S.No. Abbreviations Expansions
1 UAE United Arab Emirates.
2 UBI Union Bank of India.
3 UK United Kingdom.
4 ULFA United Liberation Front of Asom.
5 UNAMIR United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda.
6 UNAMSIL United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone.
7 UNAVEM III United Nations Angola Verification Mission III.
8 UNCRO United Nations Confidence Restoration Operation in Croatia.
9 UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development.
10 UNDCP United Nations Drug Control Program.
11 UNDOF United Nations Disengagement Observer Force.
12 UNDP United Nations Development Program.
13 UNEP United Nations Environment Program.
14 UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization.
15 UNFICYP United Nations Peace keeping Force in Cyprus.
16 UNHCRHR United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.
17 UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.
18 UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund.
19 UNICRI United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute.
20 UNIDIR United Nations Disarmament Research.
21 UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organization.
22 UNIFIL United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon.
23 UNIKOM United Nations Iraq Kuwait Observation Mission.
24 UNITAR United Nations Institute for Training and Research.
25 UNMEE United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea.
26 UNMIBH United Nations Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
27 UNMIK United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo.
28 UNMOGIP United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan.
29 UNMOP United Nations Mission of Observers in Prevlaka.
30 UNMOT United Nations Mission of Observers in Tajikistan.
31 UNMOVIC United Nations Monitoring and Verification Commission.
32 UNOMIG United Nations Observer Mission in Georgia.
33 UNOMSIL United Nations Mission of Observers in Sierra Leone.
34 UNRISD United Nations Research Institute for Social Development.
35 UNRWA United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East.
36 UNSMIH United Nations Support Mission in Haiti.
37 UNTAET United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor.
38 UNTSO United Nations Truce Supervision Organization.
39 UN United Nations.
40 UNU United Nations University.
41 UPSC Union Public Service Commission.
42 UPU Universal Postal Union.
43 USSR Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
44 US United States.
45 UTI Unit Trust of India.
S.No. Abbreviations Expansions
1 WADA World Anti Doping Agency.
2 WADB West African Development Bank.
3 WAEMU West African Economic and Monetary Union.
4 WCL World Confederation of Labor.
5 WEU Western European Union.
6 WFC World Food Council.
7 WFP World Food Program.
8 WFTU World Federation of Trade Unions.
9 WHO World Health Organization.
10 WIPO World Intellectual Property Organization.
11 WIPRO Western India PROducts.
12 WMO World Meteorological Organization.
13 WQA Water Quality Association.
14 WTO World Tourism Organization or World Trade Organization.
15 WWF World Wildlife Fund
S.No. Abbreviations Expansions
1 YFC Youth for Christ.
2 YMCA Young Men’s Christian Association.
3 YOF Youth Outdoors Foundation.
4 YWAM Youth With A Mission.
S.No. Abbreviations Expansions
1 ZC Zangger Committee.