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Marketing Aptitude Quiz 66

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Marketing Aptitude Quiz 66

shape Introduction

Marketing in a broader aspect can be defined as a transaction of exchange. Marketing primarily consists of activities designed to generate and facilitate exchanges intended to satisfy human organizational needs or wants. Marketing is broadly defined as advertising of a product or service to different market segments. The article Marketing Aptitude Quiz 66 provides Important Marketing Aptitude multiple choice questions with answers useful to the candidates preparing for Bank exams like IBPS PO, MT Exam, Dena Bank PO, Bank PO, Clerk, SBI, RBI etc.

shape Quiz

1. Sale people are same as
    A. Sales consultant B. Agents C. Marketing representative D. Sales engineer E. All of these

2. Use of positive approach, seek out hidden objections, ask the buyer for clarifications and objections is _______
    A. Approach B. Pre-approach C. Handling objections D. Prospecting and qualifying E. Closing

3. Emphasize long term interests instead of closing a sale, form transaction orientation to relationship marketing, customers want “whole solution” packages, quick responses; often problem if ,separate sales forces for each product is
    A. Follow-up B. Approach C. Relationship marketing D. Closing E. Pre-approach

4. Salespeople who conduct business from their offices through telephones and visiting to customers site is known as
    A. Outside sales force B. Inside sales force C. Telemarketing D. Team selling E. None of these

5. __________ involves the use of satisfied customers to convince the buyer of the effectiveness of the salesperson’s product.
    A. Demonstration B. Guarantees C. Trail orders D. Reference selling E. None of these

1. Answer - Option E
2. Answer - Option C
3. Answer - Option C
4. Answer - Option B
5. Answer - Option D
1. A sales force organization under which salespeople sells their product only to the certain customers or industries is
    A. Product sales force B. Customer sales force C. Complex structure D. Territorial sales force E. None of these

2. A sales force organization under which salespeople sells only a portion or particular product of the company's product.
    A. Product sales force B. Customer sales force C. Complex structure D. Territorial sales force E. None of these

3. The salesperson learns as much as possible about the prospective customer before making sales call by consulting standard industries and online sources, set call objectives, selecting best approach and time is ________________ step of personal marketing.
    A. Approach B. Handling objections C. Pre-approach D. Prospecting and qualifying E. Closing

4. The selling concept by which sellers and buyers come in direct contact is
    A. Sales promotion B. Personal selling C. Public relation D. Promotion mix E. None of these

5. Which of the following not comes under Pre Demonstration in Personal Selling?
    A. Make the process as brief as possible B. Make the process as complex as possible C. Rehearse the approach to likely objection with colleague D. Know the product’s selling point E. The demonstration should not go wrong.

1. Answer - Option B
2. Answer - Option A
3. Answer - Option C
4. Answer - Option B
5. Answer - Option B
1. What are the objectives of personal selling?
    A. Distinguish the various phase of selling process. B. Close a sale C. Know how to deal with buyer D. Preparing good presentations. E. All of these

2. While developing ________ salesperson must know about the characteristics desired of the salespeople by buyers.
    A. Presentation skills B. Selling skills C. Personal selling skills D. Marketing skills E. None of these

3. J.A Howard gave a formula for ‘’Behavioral Equation” B=P*D*K*V What B stands for?
    A. response or the internal response tendency, that is, the act of Purchasing a brand or patronizing a supplier B. predisposition or the inward response tendency, that is, force of habit C. present drive level D. “incentive potential,” that is, the value of the product or its potential Satisfaction to the buyer E. intensity of all cues: triggering, product, or informational

4. Which theory is summarized as “Everything was Right” theory?
    A. Situation Response Theory B. Right set of circumstances theory C. Buying formula theory of selling D. Both 1 and 2 E. None of these

5. What is the next step after “Need and Problem identification” in personal selling process?
    A. The opening B. Presentation and demonstration C. Dealing with objectives D. Negotiation E. Follow up

1. Answer - Option E
2. Answer - Option C
3. Answer - Option A
4. Answer - Option D
5. Answer - Option B

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