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Science Branches

Science Branches

shape Introduction

Science, an epitome knowledge, is a system, that collects and builds facts and knowledge, based on observed phenomenon, empirical evidences and testable explanations. Science has created a medium for predictions about universe. Modern Science can majorly be classified as below:
  • Natural Sciences - Study of Nature and elements and phenomena occurring in nature. [ Biology, Chemistry, Physics]

  • Social Sciences - Study of People and Societies [ Psychology, Sociology, Economics,..]

  • Formal Sciences - Study of abstract concepts [ Mathematics, Logic,]

  • Applied Sciences - Disciplines that use science. [ Engineering, Medicine]

  • The article Science Branches present the list of Different Branches of Science and their Studies. This article plays a prominent role in GA/GK section of several competitive exams. Over the past century, the range and scope of scientific endeavors has expanded exponentially, so that practically any field of study has a name associated with it. Most of these terms end in ‘ology’, from the Greek logos, meaning ‘word’

    shape Science

    Science Branches - Important Branches of Science.
    Branch Study
    Acology Study of medical remedies
    Acoustics Science of sound
    Adenology Study of glands
    Aedoeology Science of generative organs
    Aerobiology Study of airborne organisms
    Aerodonetics Science or study of gliding
    Aerodynamics Dynamics of gases; science of movement in a flow of air or gas
    Aerolithology Study of aerolites; meteorites
    Aerology Study of the atmosphere
    Aeronautics Study of navigation through air or space
    Aerophilately Collecting of air-mail stamps
    Aerostatics Science of air pressure; art of ballooning
    Agriology the comparative Study of primitive peoples
    Agrobiology Study of plant nutrition; soil yields
    Agrology Study of agricultural soils
    Agronomics Study of productivity of land
    Agrostology Science or study of grasses
    Alethiology Study of truth
    Algedonics Science of pleasure and pain
    Algology Study of algae
    Anaesthesiology Study of anaesthetics
    Anaglyptics Art of carving in bas-relief
    Anagraphy Art of constructing catalogues
    Anatomy Study of the structure of the body
    Andragogy Science of teaching adults
    Anemology Study of winds
    Angelology Study of angels
    Angiology Study of blood flow and lymphatic system
    Anthropobiology Study of human biology
    Anthropology Study of human cultures
    Aphnology Science of wealth
    Apiology Study of bees
    Arachnology Study of spiders
    Apiculture Honey industries (Bee Keeping)
    Archaeology Study of human material remains
    Archology Science of the origins of governance or the origin of things
    Arctophily Study of teddy bears
    Areology Study of Mars
    Aretaics Science of virtue
    Aristology Science or art of dining
    Arthrology Study of joints
    Astacology Science of crayfish
    Astheniology Study of diseases of weakening and aging
    Astrogeology Study of extraterrestrial geology
    Astrology Study of influence of stars on people
    Astrometeorology Study of effect of stars on climate
    Astronomy Study of celestial bodies
    Astrophysics Study of behaviour of interstellar matter
    Asteroseismology Study of star oscillations
    Atmology Science of aqueous vapour
    Audiology Study of hearing
    Autecology Study of ecology of one species
    Autology Scientific study of oneself
    Auxology Science of growth
    Avionics Science of electronic devices for aircraft
    Axiology Science of the ultimate nature of values
    Branch Study
    Bacteriology Sstudy of bacteria
    Balneology Science of the therapeutic use of baths
    Barodynamics Science of the support and mechanics of bridges
    Barology Study of gravitation
    Batology Study of brambles
    Batrachology Study of frogs
    Bibliology Study of books
    Bibliotics Scientific study of handwriting
    Bioecology Study of interaction of life in the environment
    Biology Study of living organisms
    Biometrics Study of biological measurement
    Biochemistry Study of chemical processes within and relating to living organisms.
    Biophysics Science of the application of the laws of physics to biological phenomena
    Biotechnology The exploitation of biological processes for industrial and other purposes
    Botany Study of plants
    Bromatology Study of food
    Brontology Scientific study of thunder
    Bryology Study of mosses and liverworts
    Branch Study
    Cacogenics Study of racial degeneration
    Caliology Study of bird’s nests
    Calorifics Study of heat
    Cambistry Science of international exchange
    Campanology Art of bell ringing
    Carcinology Study of crabs and other crustaceans
    Cardiology Study of the heart
    Caricology Study of sedges
    Carpology Study of fruit
    Cartography Science of making maps and globes
    Cartophily Hobby of collecting cigarette cards
    Castrametation Art of designing a camp
    Catacoustics Science of echoes or reflected sounds
    Catallactics Science of commercial exchange
    Cetology Study of whales and dolphins
    Chalcography Art of engraving on copper or brass
    Chalcotriptics Art of taking rubbings from ornamental brasses
    Chaology Study of chaos or chaos theory
    Characterology Study of development of character
    Chemistry Study of properties of substances
    Chemical Engineering The application of science, mathematics, and economics to the process of converting raw materials or chemicals into more useful or valuable forms
    Chirocosmetics Beautifying the hands; art of manicure
    Chirography Study of handwriting or penmanship
    Chirology Study of the hands
    Chiropody Medical science of feet
    Chorology Science of the geographic description of anything
    Chrematistics The study of wealth; political economy
    Chronobiology Study of biological rhythms
    Chrysology Study of precious metals
    Ciselure Art of chasing metal
    Climatology Study of climate
    Clinology Study of aging or individual decline after maturity
    Codicology Study of manuscripts
    Coleopterology Study of beetles and weevils
    Conchology Study of shells
    Coprology Study of feces
    Cosmetology Study of cosmetics
    Cosmology Study of the universe
    Computer Science The systematic study of computing systems and computations
    Craniology Study of the skull
    Criminology Study of crime; criminals
    Cryobiology Study of life under cold conditions
    Cryptology Study of codes
    Cryptography Study of secret writing
    Cryogenics Study concerning with the application and uses of very low temperature.
    Cryptozoology Study of animals for whose existence there is no conclusive proof
    Ctetology Study of the inheritance of acquired characteristics
    Cynology Scientific study of dogs
    Cytology Study of living cells
    Branch Study
    Dactyliology Study of rings
    Dactylography Study of fingerprints
    Dactylology Study of sign language
    Deltiology The collection and study of picture postcards
    Demology Study of human behaviour
    Demonology Study of demons
    Dendrochronology Study of tree rings
    Dendrology Study of trees
    Deontology Theory or study of moral obligation
    Dermatoglyphics Study of skin patterns and fingerprints
    Dermatology Study of skin
    Desmology Study of ligaments
    Diabology Study of devils
    Diagraphics Art of making diagrams or drawings
    Dialectology Study of dialects
    Dioptrics Study of light refraction
    Diplomatics Science of deciphering ancient writings and texts
    Diplomatology Study of diplomats
    Docimology Art of assaying
    Dosiology Study of doses
    Dramaturgy Art of producing and staging dramatic works
    Dysgenics Study of racial degeneration
    Dysteleology Study of purposeless organs
    Branch Study
    Ecclesiology Study of church affairs
    Eccrinology Study of excretion
    Ecology Study of environment
    Economics Study of material wealth
    Edaphology Study of soils
    Egyptology study of ancient Egypt
    Ekistics Study of human settlement
    Electrochemistry Study of relations between electricity and chemicals
    Electrology The actual process of removing hair using electricity
    Electrostatics Study of static electricity
    Electronics Science and technology of electronic phenomena
    Embryology Study of embryos
    Emetology Study of vomiting
    Emmenology Study of menstruation
    Endocrinology Study of glands
    Enigmatology Study of enigmas
    Entomology Study of insects
    Enzymology Study of enzymes
    Engineering The practical application of science to commerce or industry
    Environmental Science The science of the interactions between the physical, chemical, and biological components of the environment
    Ephebiatrics Branch of medicine dealing with adolescence
    Epidemiology Study of diseases; epidemics
    Epileptology Study of epilepsy
    Epistemology Study of grounds of knowledge
    Eremology Study of deserts
    Ergology Study of effects of work on humans
    Ergonomics Study of people at work
    Escapology Study of freeing oneself from constraints
    Eschatology Study of death; final matters
    Ethnogeny Study of origins of races or ethnic groups
    Ethnology Study of cultures
    Ethnomethodology Study of everyday communication
    Ethnomusicology Study of comparative musical systems
    Ethology Study of natural or biological character
    Ethonomics Study of economic and ethical principles of a society
    Etiology The science of causes; especially of disease
    Etymology Study of origins of words
    Euthenics Science concerned with improving living conditions
    Eugenics Study of improvement of human race by applying laws of heredity. it is related with future generations.
    Evolution Deals with the study of origin of new from old
    Exobiology Study of extraterrestrial life
    Branch Study
    Floristry The art of cultivating and selling flowers
    Floriculture Study of flower yielding plants
    Fluviology Study of watercourses
    Folkloristics Study of folklore and fables
    Forestry The science of studying and managing forests and plantations, and related natural resources
    Futurology Study of future
    Branch Study
    Garbology Study of garbage
    Gastroenterology Study of stomach; intestines
    Gastronomy Study of fine dining
    Gemmology Study of gems and jewels
    Genetics The science of genes, heredity, and the variation of organisms
    Genealogy Study of descent of families
    Genesiology Study of reproduction and heredity
    Genethlialogy The art of casting horoscopes
    Geochemistry Study of chemistry of the earth’s crust
    Geochronology Study of measuring geological time
    Geogeny Science of the formation of the earth’s crust
    Ggeogony Study of formation of the earth
    Geography Study of surface of the earth and its inhabitants
    Geology Study of earth’s crust
    Geoponics Study of agriculture
    Geotechnics Study of increasing habitability of the earth
    Geratology Study of decadence and decay
    Gerocomy Study of old age
    Gerontology Study of the elderly; Ageing
    Gigantology Study of giants
    Glaciology Study of ice ages and glaciation
    Glossology Study of language and tongue
    Glyptography The art of engraving on gems
    Glyptology Study of gem engravings
    Gnomonics The art of measuring time using sundials
    Gnosiology Study of knowledge; philosophy of knowledge
    Gnotobiology Study of life in germ-free conditions
    Graminology Study of grasses
    Grammatology Study of systems of writing
    Graphemics Study of systems of representing speech in writing
    Graphology Study of handwriting
    Ggromatics Science of surveying
    Gynaecology Study of women’s physiology
    Gyrostatics the Study of rotating bodies
    Branch Study
    Haematology Study of blood
    Hagiology Study of saints
    Halieutics Study of fishing
    Hamartiology Study of sin
    Harmonics Study of musical acoustics
    Hedonics Part of ethics or psychology dealing with pleasure
    Helcology Study of ulcers
    Heliology Science of the sun
    Helioseismology Study of sun’s interior by observing its surface oscillations
    Helminthology Study of worms
    Heortology Study of religious feasts
    Hepatology Study of liver
    Heraldry Study of coats of arms
    Heresiology Study of heresies
    Herpetology Study of reptiles and amphibians
    Hierology Science of sacred matters
    Hippiatrics Study of diseases of horses
    Hippology The study of horses
    Histology Study of the tissues of organisms
    Histopathology Study of changes in tissue due to disease
    Historiography Study of writing history
    Historiology Study of history
    Homiletics The art of preaching
    Hoplology the Study of weapons
    Horography Art of constructing sundials and clocks
    Horology Science of time measurement
    Horticulture Study of gardening
    Hydrobiology Study of aquatic organisms
    Hydrodynamics Study of movement in liquids
    Hydrogeology Study of ground water
    Hydrography Study of investigating bodies of water
    Hydrokinetics Study of motion of fluids
    Hydrology Study of water resources
    Hydrometeorology Study of atmospheric moisture
    Hydropathy Study of treating diseases with water
    Hyetology Science of rainfall
    Hygiastics Science of health and hygiene
    Hygienics Study of sanitation; health
    Hygiology hygienics Study of cleanliness
    Hygrology Study of humidity
    Hygrometry Science of humidity
    Hymnography Study of writing hymns
    Hymnology Study of hymns
    Hypnology Study of sleep; study of hypnosis
    Hypsography Science of measuring heights
    Branch Study
    Iamatology Study of remedies
    Iatrology Treatise or text on medical topics; study of medicine
    Iatromathematics Archaic practice of medicine in conjunction with astrology
    Ichnography Art of drawing ground plans; a ground plan
    Ichnology Science of fossilized footprints
    Ichthyology Study of fish
    Iconography Study of drawing symbols
    Iconology Study of icons; symbols
    Ideogeny Study of origins of ideas
    Ideology Science of ideas; system of ideas used to justify behaviour
    Idiomology Study of idiom, jargon or dialect
    Idiopsychology Psychology of one’s own mind
    Immunogenetics Study of genetic characteristics of immunity
    Immunology Study of immunity
    Immunopathology Study of immunity to disease
    Insectology Study of insects
    Irenology the Study of peace
    Iridology Study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye
    Branch Study
    Jurisprudence Science of law.
    Branch Study
    Kalology Study of beauty
    Karyology Study of cell nuclei
    Kidology Study of kidding
    Kinematics Study of motion
    Kinesics Study of gestural communication
    Kinesiology Study of human movement and posture
    Kinetics Study of forces producing or changing motion
    Koniology Study of atmospheric pollutants and dust
    Ktenology Science of putting people to death
    Kymatology Study of wave motion
    Branch Study
    Labeorphilist Study of beer bottle labels
    Larithmics Study of population statistics
    Laryngology Study of larynx
    Lepidopterology Study of butterflies and moths
    Leprology Study of leprosy
    Lexicology Study of words and their meanings
    Lexigraphy Art of definition of words
    Lichenology Study of lichens
    Limacology Study of slugs
    Limnobiology Study of freshwater ecosystems
    Limnology Study of bodies of freshwater
    Linguistics Study of language
    Lithology Study of rocks
    Liturgiology Study of liturgical forms and church rituals
    Loimology Study of plagues and epidemics
    Loxodrome Study of sailing along rhumb-lines
    Branch Study
    Magirics Art of cookery
    Magnanerie Art of raising silkworms
    Magnetics Study of magnetism
    Malacology Study of molluscs
    Malariology Study of malaria
    Mammalogy Study of mammals
    Manège The art of horsemanship
    Mariology Study of the Virgin Mary
    Martyrology Study of martyrs
    Marine Biology Study of animal and plant life within salt water ecosystems
    Mastology Branch of medicine concerned with study of the breast.
    Mathematics Study of magnitude, number, and forms
    Mazology Study of mammals
    Mechanics Study of action of force on bodies
    Meconology Study of or treatise concerning opium
    Medicine Science concerned with maintaining health and restoring it by treating disease
    Melittology Study of bees
    Mereology Study of part-whole relationships
    Mesology Science of ecology
    Metallogeny Study of the origin and distribution of metal deposits
    Metallography Study of the structure and constitution of metals
    Metallurgy Study of alloying and treating metals
    Metaphysics Study of principles of nature and thought
    Metapolitics Study of politics in theory or abstract
    Metapsychology Study of nature of the mind
    Meteoritics the Study of meteors
    Meteorology Study of weather
    Metrics System or standard of measurement.
    Metrology Science of weights and measures
    Microanatomy Study of microscopic tissues
    Microbiology Study of microscopic organisms
    Micrology Study and discussion of trivialities
    Micropalaeontology Study of microscopic fossils
    Microphytology Study of very small plant life
    Microscopy Study of minute objects
    Mineralogy Study of minerals
    Molinology Study of mills and milling
    Momilogy Study of mummies
    Morphology Study of forms and the development of structures
    Molecular Biology Study of biology at a molecular level
    Muscology the Study of mosses
    Museology the Study of museums
    Musicology Study of music
    Mycology Study of funguses
    Myology Study of muscles
    Myrmecology Study of ants
    Mythology Study of myths; fables; tales
    Branch Study
    Naology Study of church or temple architecture
    Nasology Study of the nose
    Nautics Art of navigation
    Nematology the Study of nematodes
    Neonatology Study of newborn babies
    Nephology Study of clouds
    Nephrology Study of the kidneys
    Neurobiology Study of anatomy of the nervous system
    Neurology Study of nervous system
    Neuropsychology Study of relation between brain and behaviour
    Neurypnology Study of hypnosis
    Neutrosophy Study of the origin and nature of philosophical neutralities
    Nidology Study of nests
    Nomology The science of the laws; especially of the mind
    Noology Science of the intellect
    Nosology Study of diseases
    Nostology Study of senility
    Notaphily Collecting of bank-notes and cheques
    Nuclear Physics Branch of Physics that concerned with the Nucleus of the Atom
    Numerology Study of numbers
    Numismatics Study of coins
    Nymphology Study of nymphs
    Branch Study
    Obstetrics Study of midwifery
    Oceanography Study of oceans
    Odology Science of the hypothetical mystical force of od
    Odontology Study of teeth
    Oenology Study of wines
    Oikology Science of housekeeping
    Olfactology Study of the sense of smell
    Ombrology Study of rain
    Omithology Study of birds
    Oncology Study of tumours
    Oneirology Study of dreams
    Onomasiology Study of nomenclature
    Onomastics Study of proper names
    Ontology Science of pure being; the nature of things
    Oology Study of eggs
    Ophiology Study of snakes
    Ophthalmology Study of eye diseases
    Optics Study of light
    Optology Study of sight
    Optometry Science of examining the eyes
    Orchidology Study of orchids
    Ornithology Study of birds
    Orology Study of mountains
    Orthoepy Study of correct pronunciation
    Orthography Study of spelling
    Orthopterology Study of cockroaches
    Organic Chemistry Branch of chemistry dedicated to the study of the structures, synthesis, and reactions of carbon-containing compounds
    Osmology Study of smells and olfactory processes
    Osphresiology Study of the sense of smell
    Osteology Study of bones
    Otology Study of the ear
    Otorhinolaryngology Study of ear, nose and throat
    Branch Study
    Paedology Study of children
    Paedotrophy Art of rearing children
    Paidonosology Study of children’s diseases; pediatrics
    Palaeoanthropology Study of early humans
    Palaeobiology Study of fossil plants and animals
    Palaeoclimatology Study of ancient climates
    Palaeolimnology Study of ancient fish
    Palaeolimnology Study of ancient lakes
    Palaeontology Study of fossils
    Palaeopedology Study of early soils
    Paleobotany Study of ancient plants
    Paleo-osteology Study of ancient bones
    Palynology Study of pollen
    Papyrology Study of paper
    Parapsychology Study of unexplained mental phenomena
    Parasitology Study of parasites
    Paroemiology Study of proverbs
    Parthenology Study of virgins
    Pataphysics The science of imaginary solutions
    Pathology Study of disease
    Patrology Study of early Christianity
    Pedagogics Study of teaching
    Pedology Study of soils
    Pelology Study of mud
    Penology Study of crime and punishment
    Periodontics Study of gums
    Peristerophily Pigeon-collecting
    Pestology Science of pests
    Petrology Study of rocks
    Pharmacognosy Study of drugs of animal and plant origin
    Pharmacology Study of drugs
    Pharology Study of lighthouses
    Pharyngology Study of the throat
    Phenology Study of organisms as affected by climate
    Phenomenology Study of phenomena
    Philology Study of languages
    Philately Study of postage stamps
    Philematology The act or study of kissing
    Phillumeny Collecting of matchbox labels
    Philosophy Science of knowledge or wisdom
    Phoniatrics Study and correction of speech defects
    Phonology Study of speech sounds
    Photobiology Study of effects of light on organisms
    Phonetics Concerning the sounds of a language
    Phraseology Study of phrases
    Phrenology Study of bumps on the head
    Phycology Study of algae and seaweeds
    Physics Study of properties of matter and energy
    Physiography Natural phenomenon
    Physiology Study of processes of life
    Phytology Study of plants; botany
    Piscatology Study of fishes
    Planetology Study of planets
    Plutology Study of wealth, political economy;
    Pneumatics Study of mechanics of gases
    Podiatry Study and treatment of disorders of the foot; chiropody
    Podology Study of the feet
    Polemology Study of war
    Pomology Study of fruit-growing
    Posology Science of quantity or dosage
    Potamology Study of rivers
    Praxeology Study of practical and efficient activity; science of efficient action
    Primatology Study of primates
    Proctology Study of rectum
    Prosody Study of versification
    Protistology Study of protists
    Proxemics Study of man’s need for personal space
    Psephology Study of election results and voting trends
    Pseudology Art or science of lying
    Pseudoptics Study of optical illusions
    Psychobiology Study of biology of the mind
    Psychogenetics Study of internal or mental states
    Psychognosy Study of mentality, personality or character
    Psychology Study of mind
    Psychopathology Study of mental illness
    Psychophysics Study of link between mental and physical processes
    Pteridology Study of ferns
    Pyretology Study of fevers
    Pyrgology Study of towers
    Pyroballogy Study of artillery
    Pyrography Study of woodburning
    Branch Study
    Quinology Study of quinine
    Branch Study
    Raciology Study of racial differences
    Radiology Study of X-rays and their medical applications
    Reflexology Study of reflexes
    Rheology Science of the deformation and flow of matter
    Rheumatology Study of rheumatism
    Rhinology Study of the nose
    Rhochrematics Science of inventory management and the movement of products
    Runology Study of runes
    Branch Study
    Sarcology Study of fleshy parts of the body
    Satanology Study of the devil
    Scatology Study of excrement or obscene literature
    Sciagraphy Art of shading
    Scripophily Collection of bond and share certificates
    Sedimentology Study of sediment
    Seismology Study of earthquakes
    Selenodesy Study of the shape and features of the moon
    Selenology Study of the moon
    Semantics Study of meaning
    Semantology Science of meanings of words
    Semasiology Study of meaning; semantics
    Semiology Study of signs and signals
    Serology Study of serums
    Sericulture Silk industry(culture of silk moth and pupa)
    Serpentology Study of snakes
    Sexology Study of sexual behaviour
    Siderography Art of engraving on steel
    Sigillography Study of seals
    Significs Science of meaning
    Silvics Study of trees life
    Sindonology Study of the shroud of Turin
    Sinology Study of China
    Sitology Study of dietetics
    Sociobiology Study of biological basis of human behaviour
    Sociology Study of society
    Somatology Science of the properties of matter
    Sophiology Science of ideas
    Soteriology Study of theological salvation
    Spectrology Study of ghosts
    Spectroscopy Study of spectra
    Speleology Study and exploration of caves
    Spermology Study of seeds
    Sphagnology Study of peat moss
    Sphragistics Study of seals and signets
    Sphygmology Study of the pulse
    Splanchnology Study of the entrails or viscera
    Spongology Study of sponges
    Stasiology Study of political parties
    Statics Study of bodies and forces in equilibrium
    Stemmatology Study of relationships between texts
    Stoichiology Science of elements of animal tissues
    Stomatology Study of the mouth
    Storiology Study of folk tales
    Stratigraphy Study of geological layers or strata
    Stylometry Studying literature by means of statistical analysis
    Suicidology Study of suicide
    Symbology Study of symbols
    Symptomatology Study of symptoms of illness
    Synecology Study of ecological communities
    Synectics Study of processes of invention
    Syntax Study of sentence structure
    Syphilology Study of syphilis
    Systematology Study of systems
    Branch Study
    Taxidermy Art of curing and stuffing animals
    Taxonomy The science of classification of animals and plants
    Tectonics Science of structure of objects, buildings and landforms
    Tegestology Study and collecting of beer mats
    Teleology Study of final causes; analysis in terms of purpose
    Telmatology Study of swamps
    Telepathy Communication between two minds at a distance with the help of emotions, thoughts and feelings.
    Teratology Study of monsters, freaks, abnormal growths or malformations
    Teuthology Study of cephalopods
    Textology Study of the production of texts
    Thalassography Science of the sea
    Thanatology Study of death and its customs
    Thaumatology Study of miracles
    Theology Study of religion; religious doctrine
    Theriatrics Veterinary medicine
    Theriogenology Study of animals’ reproductive systems
    Thermodynamics Study of relation of heat to motion
    Thermokinematics Study of motion of heat
    Thermology Study of heat
    Therology Study of wild mammals
    Threpsology Science of nutrition
    Tidology Study of tides
    Timbrology Study of postage stamps
    Tocology Study of obstetrics; midwifery
    Tonetics Study of pronunciation
    Topology Study of places and their natural features
    Toponymics Study of place-names
    Toreutics Study of artistic work in metal
    Toxicology Study of poisons
    Toxophily Study of archery
    Traumatology Study of wounds and their effects
    Tribology Study of friction and wear between surfaces
    Trichology Study of hair and its disorders
    Trophology Study of nutrition
    Tsiganology Study of gypsies
    Turnery Art of turning in a lathe
    Typhlology Study of blindness and the blind
    Typography Art of printing or using type
    Typology Study of types of things
    Branch Study
    Ufology Study of alien spacecraft
    Uranography Descriptive astronomy and mapping
    Uranology Study of the heavens; astronomy
    Urbanology Study of cities
    Urology Study of urine; urinary tract
    Branch Study
    Venereology Study of venereal disease
    Vermeology Study of worms
    Vexillology Study of flags
    Victimology Study of victims
    Vinology scientific Study of vines and winemaking
    Virology Study of viruses
    Vitrics glassy materials Study of glassware
    Volcanology Study of volcanoes
    Vulcanology Study of volcanoes
    Branch Study
    Xylography Art of engraving on wood
    Xylology Study of wood
    Branch Study
    Zenography Study of the planet Jupiter
    Zoiatrics Veterinary surgery
    Zooarchaeology Study of animal remains of archaeological sites
    Zoochemistry Chemistry of animals
    Zoogeography Study of geographic distribution of animals
    Zoology Study of animals
    Zoonomy Animal physiology
    Zoonosology Study of animal diseases
    Zoopathology Study of animal diseases
    Zoophysics Physics of animal bodies
    Zoophysiology Study of physiology of animals
    Zoophytology Study of plant-like animals
    Zoosemiotics Study of animal communication
    Zootaxy Science of classifying animals
    Zootechnics Science of breeding animals
    Zygology Science of joining and fastening
    Zymology Science of fermentation
    Zymurgy Branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling

    shape Sciences

    Science Branches - Including very rare Branches of Science.
    Word Definition
    Acarology study of mites
    accidence grammar book; science of inflections in grammar
    Aceology science of remedies, or of therapeutics; iamatology.
    Acology study of medical remedies
    Acoustics science of sound
    Adenology study of glands
    Aedoeology science of generative organs
    Aerobiology study of airborne organisms
    Aerodonetics science or study of gliding
    Aerodynamics dynamics of gases; science of movement in a flow of air or gas
    Aerolithology study of aerolites; meteorites
    Aerology study of the atmosphere
    Aeronautics study of navigation through air or space
    Aerophilately collecting of air-mail stamps
    Aerostatics science of air pressure; art of ballooning
    Agonistics art and theory of prize-fighting
    Agriology the comparative study of primitive peoples
    Agrobiology study of plant nutrition; soil yields
    Agrology study of agricultural soils
    Agronomics study of productivity of land
    Agrostology science or study of grasses
    Alethiology study of truth
    Algedonics science of pleasure and pain
    Algology study of algae
    anaesthesiology study of anaesthetics
    anaglyptics art of carving in bas-relief
    Anagraphy art of constructing catalogues
    Anatomy study of the structure of the body
    Andragogy science of teaching adults
    Anemology study of winds
    Angelology study of angels
    Angiology study of blood flow and lymphatic system
    Anthropobiology study of human biology
    Anthropology study of human cultures
    Aphnology science of wealth
    Apiology study of bees
    Arachnology study of spiders
    Archaeology study of human material remains
    Archelogy the study of first principles
    Archology science of the origins of government
    Arctophily study of teddy bears
    Areology study of Mars
    Aretaics the science of virtue
    Aristology the science or art of dining
    Arthrology study of joints
    Astacology the science of crayfish
    Astheniology study of diseases of weakening and aging
    Astrogeology study of extraterrestrial geology
    Astrology study of influence of stars on people
    Astrometeorology study of effect of stars on climate
    Astronomy study of celestial bodies
    Astrophysics study of behaviour of interstellar matter
    Astroseismology study of star oscillations
    Atmology the science of aqueous vapour
    Audiology study of hearing
    Autecology study of ecology of one species
    Autology scientific study of oneself
    Auxology science of growth
    Avionics the science of electronic devices for aircraft
    Axiology the science of the ultimate nature of values
    Word Definition
    Bacteriology study of bacteria
    Balneology the science of the therapeutic use of baths
    Barodynamics science of the support and mechanics of bridges
    Barology study of gravitation
    Batology the study of brambles
    Bibliology study of books
    Bibliotics study of documents to determine authenticity
    Bioecology study of interaction of life in the environment
    Biology study of life
    Biochemistry study of chemical processes within and relating to living organism
    Biometrics study of biological measurement
    Bionomics study of organisms interacting in their environments
    Botany study of plants
    Bromatology study of food
    Brontology scientific study of thunder
    Bryology the study of mosses and liverworts
    Word Definition
    Cacogenics study of racial degeneration
    Caliology study of bird's nests
    Calorifics study of heat
    Cambistry science of international exchange
    Campanology the art of bell ringing
    Carcinology study of crabs and other crustaceans
    Cardiology study of the heart
    Caricology study of sedges
    Carpology study of fruit
    Cartography the science of making maps and globes
    Cartophily the hobby of collecting cigarette cards
    Castrametation the art of designing a camp
    Catacoustics science of echoes or reflected sounds
    Catalactics science of commercial exchange
    Catechectics the art of teaching by question and answer
    Cetology study of whales and dolphins
    Chalcography the art of engraving on copper or brass
    Chalcotriptics art of taking rubbings from ornamental brasses
    Chaology the study of chaos or chaos theory
    Characterology study of development of character
    Chemistry study of properties of substances
    Chirocosmetics beautifying the hands; art of manicure
    Chirography study of handwriting or penmanship
    Chirology study of the hands
    Chiropody medical science of feet
    Chorology science of the geographic description of anything
    Chrematistics the study of wealth; political economy
    Chronobiology study of biological rhythms
    Chrysology study of precious metals
    Ciselure the art of chasing metal
    Climatology study of climate
    Clinology study of aging or individual decline after maturity
    Codicology study of manuscripts
    Coleopterology study of beetles and weevils
    Cometology study of comets
    Conchology study of shells
    Coprology study of pornography
    Cosmetology study of cosmetics
    Cosmology study of the universe
    Craniology study of the skull
    Criminology study of crime; criminals
    Cryobiology study of life under cold conditions
    Cryptology study of codes
    Cryptozoology study of animals for whose existence there is no conclusive proof
    Ctetology study of the inheritance of acquired characteristics
    Cyclonology study of tropical cyclones, e.g. hurricanes
    Cynology scientific study of dogs
    Cytology study of living cells
    Word Definition
    Dactyliology study of rings
    Dactylography the study of fingerprints
    Dactylology study of sign language
    Deltiology the collection and study of picture postcards
    Demology study of human behaviour
    Demonology study of demons
    Dendrochronology study of tree rings
    Dendrology study of trees
    Deontology the theory or study of moral obligation
    Dermatoglyphics the study of skin patterns and fingerprints
    Dermatology study of skin
    Desmology study of ligaments
    Diabology study of devils
    Diagraphics art of making diagrams or drawings
    Dialectology study of dialects
    Dioptrics study of light refraction
    Diplomatics science of deciphering ancient writings and texts
    Diplomatology study of diplomats
    Docimology the art of assaying
    Dosiology the study of doses
    Dramaturgy art of producing and staging dramatic works
    Dysgenics the study of racial degeneration
    Dysteleology study of purposeless organs.
    Word Definition
    Ecclesiology study of church affairs
    Eccrinology study of excretion
    Ecology study of environment
    Economics study of material wealth
    Edaphology study of soils
    Egyptology study of ancient Egypt
    Ekistics study of human settlement
    Electrochemistry study of relations between electricity and chemicals
    Electrology study of electricity
    Electrostatics study of static electricity
    Embryology study of embryos
    Emetology study of vomiting
    Emmenology the study of menstruation
    Endemiology study of local diseases
    Endocrinology study of glands
    Energetics study of energy under transformation
    Enigmatology study of enigmas
    Entomology study of insects
    Entozoology study of parasites that live inside larger organisms
    Enzymology study of enzymes
    Ephebiatrics branch of medicine dealing with adolescence
    Epidemiology study of diseases; epidemics
    Epileptology study of epilepsy
    epistemology study of grounds of knowledge
    Eremology study of deserts
    Ergology study of effects of work on humans
    Ergonomics study of people at work
    Escapology study of freeing oneself from constraints
    Eschatology study of death; final matters
    Ethnogeny study of origins of races or ethnic groups
    Ethnology study of cultures
    Ethnomethodology study of everyday communication
    Ethnomusicology study of comparative musical systems
    Ethology study of natural or biological character
    Ethonomics study of economic and ethical principles of a society
    Etiology the science of causes; especially of disease
    Etymology study of origins of words
    Euthenics science concerned with improving living conditions
    Exobiology study of extraterrestrial life
    Exoplanetology study of exoplanets
    Word Definition
    Floristry art of cultivating and selling flowers
    Fluviology study of watercourses
    Folkloristics study of folklore and fables
    Forestry study of the creation, management, use, conservation, and repair of forests and associated resources
    Futurology study of future
    Word Definition
    Garbology study of garbage
    Gastroenterology study of stomach; intestines
    Gastronomy study of fine dining
    Gemmology study of gems and jewels
    Gender Studies study of gender
    Genealogy study of descent of families
    Genesiology study of reproduction and heredity
    Genethlialogy art of casting horoscopes
    Geochemistry study of chemistry of the earth's crust
    Geochronology study of measuring geological time
    Geogeny science of the formation of the earth's crust
    Geogony study of formation of the earth
    Geography study of surface of the earth and its inhabitants
    Geology study of the earth
    Geomorphogeny study of the origins of land forms
    Geoponics study of agriculture
    Geotechnics study of increasing habitability of the earth
    Geratology study of decadence and decay
    Gerocomy study of old age
    Gerontology study of the elderly; aging
    Gigantology study of giants
    Glaciology study of ice ages and glaciation
    Glossology study of language; study of the tongue
    Glyptography art of engraving on gems
    Glyptology study of gem engravings
    Gnomonics the art of measuring time using sundials
    Gnosiology study of knowledge; philosophy of knowledge
    Gnotobiology study of life in germ-free conditions
    Graminology study of grasses
    Grammatology study of systems of writing
    Graphemics study of systems of representing speech in writing
    Graphology study of handwriting
    Gromatics science of surveying
    Gynaecology study of women’s physiology
    Gyrostatics study of rotating bodies
    Word Definition
    Haemataulics study of movement of blood through blood vessels
    Hagiology study of saints
    Halieutics study of fishing
    Hamartiology study of sin
    Harmonics study of musical acoustics
    Hedonics part of ethics or psychology dealing with pleasure
    Helcology study of ulcers
    Heliology science of the sun
    Helioseismology study of sun's interior by observing its surface oscillations
    Helminthology study of worms
    Hematology study of blood
    Heortology study of religious feasts
    Hepatology study of liver
    Heraldry study of coats of arms
    Heredity study of passing of traits from parents to offspring
    Heresiology study of heresies
    Herpetology study of reptiles and amphibians
    Hierology science of sacred matters
    Hippiatrics study of diseases of horses
    Hippology study of horses
    Histology study of the tissues of organisms
    Histopathology study of changes in tissue due to disease
    Historiography study of writing history
    Historiology study of history
    Homiletics art of preaching
    Hoplology study of weapons
    Horography art of constructing sundials or clocks
    Horology science of time measurement
    Horticulture study of gardening
    Hydrobiology study of aquatic organisms
    Hydrodynamics study of movement in liquids
    Hydrogeology study of ground water
    Hydrography study of investigating bodies of water
    Hydrokinetics study of motion of fluids
    Hydrology study of water resources
    Hydrometeorology study of atmospheric moisture
    Hydropathy study of treating diseases with water
    Hyetology science of rainfall
    Hygiastics science of health and hygiene
    Hygienics study of sanitation; health
    Hygiology hygienics; study of cleanliness
    Hygroscopy study of humidity
    Hygrometry science of humidity
    Hymnography study of writing hymns
    Hymnology study of hymns
    Hypnology study of sleep; study of hypnosis
    Hypsography science of measuring heights
    Word Definition
    Iamatology study of remedies
    Iatrology treatise or text on medical topics; study of medicine
    Iatromathematics archaic practice of medicine in conjunction with astrology
    Ichnography art of drawing ground plans; a ground plan
    Ichnology science of fossilized footprints
    Ichthyology study of fish
    Iconography study of drawing symbols
    Iconology study of icons; symbols
    Ideogeny study of origins of ideas
    Ideology science of ideas; system of ideas used to justify behaviour
    Idiomology study of idiom, jargon or dialect
    Idiopsychology study of the psychology of one's own mind
    Immunogenetics study of genetic characteristics of immunity
    Immunology study of immunity
    Immunopathology study of immunity to disease
    Insectology study of insects
    Irenology study of peace
    Iridology study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye
    Word Definition
    Kalology study of beauty
    Karyology study of cell nuclei
    Kinematics study of motion
    Kinesics study of gestural communication
    Kinesiology study of human movement and posture
    Kinetics study of forces producing or changing motion
    Koniology study of atmospheric pollutants and dust
    Ktenology science of putting people to death
    Kymatology study of wave motion
    Word Definition
    Labeorphily collection and study of beer bottle labels
    Larithmics study of population statistics
    Laryngology study of larynx
    Lepidopterology study of butterflies and moths
    Leprology study of leprosy
    Lexicology study of words and their meanings
    Lexigraphy art of definition of words
    Lichenology study of lichens
    Limacology study of slugs
    Limnobiology study of freshwater ecosystems
    Limnology study of bodies of fresh water
    Linguistics study of language
    Liturgiology study of liturgical forms and church rituals
    Loimology study of plagues and epidemics
    Loxodromy study of sailing along rhumb-lines
    Word Definition
    Magirics art of cookery
    Magnanerie art of raising silkworms
    Magnetics study of magnetism
    Malacology study of molluscs
    Malariology study of malaria
    Mammalogy study of mammals
    Manège art of horsemanship
    Mariology study of the Virgin Mary
    Marine Biology Study of the Oceans Ecosystem
    Mastology study of mammals
    Mathematics study of magnitude, number, and forms
    Mazology mammalogy; study of mammals
    Mechanics study of action of force on bodies
    Meconology study of or treatise concerning opium
    Media studies study of mass media
    Melittology study of bees
    Melology study of music; musicology
    Mereology study of part-whole relationships
    Mesology ecology
    Metallogeny study of the origin and distribution of metal deposits
    Metallography study of the structure and constitution of metals
    Metallurgy study of alloying and treating metals
    Metaphysics study of principles of nature and thought
    Metapolitics study of politics in theory or abstract
    Metapsychology study of nature of the mind
    Meteoritics study of meteors
    Meteorology study of weather
    Methyology study of alcohol
    Metrics study of versification
    Metrology science of weights and measures
    Microanatomy study of microscopic tissues
    Microbiology study of microscopic organisms
    Microclimatology study of local climates
    Micrology study or discussion of trivialities
    Micropalaeontology study of microscopic fossils
    Microphytology study of very small plant life
    Microscopy study of minute objects
    Mineralogy study of minerals
    Molinology study of mills and milling
    Momilogy study of mummies
    Morphology (disambiguation) study of forms and the development of structures
    Muscology study of mosses
    Museology study of museums
    Mycology study of funguses
    Myology study of muscles
    Myrmecology study of ants
    Mythology study of myths; fables; tales
    Word Definition
    Naology study of church or temple architecture
    Nasology study of the nose
    Nautics art of navigation
    Nematology study of nematodes
    Neonatology study of newborn babies
    Neossology study of nestling birds
    Nephology study of clouds
    Nephrology study of the kidneys
    Neurobiology study of anatomy of the nervous system
    Neurology study of nervous system
    Neuropsychology study of relation between brain and behaviour
    Neurypnology study of hypnotism
    Neutrosophy study of the origin and nature of philosophical neutralities
    Nomology the science of the laws; especially of the mind
    Noology science of the intellect
    Nosology study of diseases
    Nostology study of senility
    Notaphily collecting of bank-notes and cheques
    Numerology pseudoscientific study of numbers
    Numismatics study of coins
    Nymphology study of nymphs
    Nanotechnology study of nanite
    Word Definition
    Obstetrics study of midwifery
    Oceanography study of oceans
    Oceanology study of oceans
    Odontology study of teeth
    Odonatology study of dragonflies and damselflies
    Oenology study of wines
    Oikology science of housekeeping
    Olfactology study of the sense of smell
    Ombrology study of rain
    Oncology study of tumours
    Oneirology study of dreams
    Onomasiology study of nomenclature
    Onomastics study of proper names
    Ontology science of pure being; the nature of things
    Oology study of eggs
    Ophiology study of snakes
    Ophthalmology study of eye diseases
    Optics study of light
    Optometry science of examining the eyes
    Optology study of sight
    Orchidology study of orchids
    Ornithology study of birds
    Orology study of mountains
    Orthoepy study of correct pronunciation
    Orthography study of spelling
    Orthopterology study of cockroaches
    Oryctology mineralogy or paleontology
    Osmics scientific study of smells
    Osmology study of smells and olfactory processes
    Osphresiology study of the sense of smell
    Osteology study of bones
    Otology study of the ear
    Otorhinolaryngology study of ear, nose and throat
    Word Definition
    Paedology study of children
    Paidonosology study of children's diseases; pediatrics
    Palaeoanthropology study of early humans
    Palaeobiology study of fossil plants and animals
    Palaeoclimatology study of ancient climates
    Palaeolimnology study of ancient fish
    Palaeolimnology study of ancient lakes
    Palaeontology study of fossils
    Palaeopedology study of early soils
    Paleobotany study of ancient plants
    Paleo-osteology study of ancient bones
    Palynology study of pollen
    Papyrology study of paper
    Paradoxology study of paradoxes
    Parapsychology study of unexplained mental phenomena
    Parasitology study of parasites
    study of proverbs
    Parthenology study of virgins
    Pataphysics science of imaginary solutions
    Pathology study of disease
    Patrology study of early Christianity
    Pedagogics study of teaching
    Pedology study of soils
    Pelology study of mud
    Penology study of crime and punishment
    Periodontics study of gums
    Peristerophily pigeon-collecting
    Pestology science of pests
    Petrology study of rocks
    Pharmacognosy study of drugs of animal and plant origin
    Pharmacology study of drugs
    Pharology study of lighthouses
    Pharyngology study of the throat
    Phenology study of organisms as affected by climate
    Phenomenology study of phenomena
    Philately study of postage stamps
    Philematology act or study of kissing
    Phillumeny collecting of matchbox labels
    Philology study of ancient texts; historical linguistics
    Philosophy science of knowledge or wisdom
    Phoniatrics study and correction of speech defects
    Phonology study of speech sounds
    Photobiology study of effects of light on organisms
    Photonics study of photons
    Phraseology study of phrases
    Phrenology study of bumps on the head
    Phycology study of algae and seaweeds
    Physics study of properties of matter and energy
    Physiology study of processes of life
    Phytology study of plants; botany
    Piscatology study of fishes
    Pisteology science or study of faith
    Planetology study of planets
    Plutology political economy; study of wealth
    Pneumatics study of mechanics of gases
    Podiatry study and treatment of disorders of the foot; chiropody
    Podology study of the feet
    Polemology study of war
    Pomology study of fruit-growing
    Posology science of quantity or dosage
    Potamology study of rivers
    Praxeology study of practical or efficient activity; science of efficient action
    Primatology study of primates
    Proctology study of rectum
    Prosody study of versification
    Protistology study of protists
    Proxemics study of man’s need for personal space
    Psalligraphy art of paper-cutting to make pictures
    Psephology study of election results and voting trends
    Pseudology art or science of lying
    Pseudoptics study of optical illusions
    Psychobiology study of biology of the mind
    Psychogenetics study of internal or mental states
    Psychognosy study of mentality, personality or character
    Psychology study of mind
    Psychopathology study of mental illness
    Psychophysics study of link between mental and physical processes
    Pteridology study of ferns
    Pterylology study of distribution of feathers on birds
    Pyretology study of fevers
    Pyrgology study of towers
    Pyroballogy study of artillery
    Pyrography study of woodburning
    Pyrotechnics study of combustion through fire or explosions
    Word Definition
    Quinology study of quinine.
    Quantum Mechanics a fundamental theory in physics which describes nature at the smallest scales of energy levels of atoms and subatomic particles.
    Queer theory study of issues related to sexual orientation and gender identity.
    Word Definition
    Raciology study of racial differences
    Radiochemistry study of ordinary chemical reactions under radioactive circumstances
    Radiology study of X-rays and their medical applications
    Reflexology study of reflexes
    Rhabdology knowledge or learning concerning divining rods
    Rhabdology art of calculating using numbering rods
    Rheology science of the deformation or flow of matter
    Rheumatology study of rheumatism
    Rhinology study of the nose
    Rhochrematics science of inventory management and the movement of products
    Roboticsc deals with the designing, construction, and operation of robots.
    Runology study of runes
    Word Definition
    Sarcology study of fleshy parts of the body
    Satanology study of the devil
    Scatology study of excrement or obscene literature
    Schematonics art of using gesture to express tones
    Sciagraphy art of shading
    Scripophily collection of bond and share certificates
    Sedimentology study of sediment
    Seismology study of earthquakes
    Selenodesy study of the shape and features of the moon
    Selenology study of the moon
    Semantics study of meaning
    Semantology science of meanings of words
    Semasiology study of meaning; semantics
    Semiology study of signs and signals
    Semiotics study of signs and symbols
    Serology study of serums
    Sexology study of sexual behaviour
    Siderography art of engraving on steel
    Siderology study of iron and its alloys, including steel
    Sigillography study of seals
    Significs science of meaning
    Silvics study of tree's life
    Sindonology study of the shroud of Turin
    Sinology study of China
    Sitology dietetics
    Sociobiology study of biological basis of human behaviour
    Sociology study of society
    Somatology science of substances
    Sophiology science of ideas
    Soteriology study of theological salvation
    Spectrology study of ghosts
    Spectroscopy study of spectra
    Speleology study and exploration of caves
    Spermology study of seeds
    Sphagnology study of peat moss
    Sphragistics study of seals and signets
    Sphygmology study of the pulse
    Splanchnology study of the entrails or viscera
    Spongology study of sponges
    Stasiology study of political parties
    Statics study of bodies and forces in equilibrium
    Stellar Astronomy study of stars, their origins, and their evolution.
    Stemmatology study of relationships between text
    Stoichiology science of elements of animal tissues
    Stomatology study of the mouth
    Storiology study of folk tales
    Stratigraphy study of geological layers or strata
    Stratography art of leading an army
    Stylometry studying literature by means of statistical analysis
    Suicidology study of suicide
    Supramolecular chemistry study of the chemistry of assembled molecular sub-units
    Symbology study of symbols
    Symptomatology study of symptoms of illness
    Synecology study of ecological communities
    Synectics study of processes of invention
    Syntax study of sentence structure
    Syphilology study of syphilis
    Systematics study of the diversification of living forms, both past and present
    Systematology study of systems
    Word Definition
    Taxidermy art of curing and stuffing animals
    Taxonomy study of plant, animals and microorganisms classification
    Tectonics science of structure of objects, buildings and landforms
    Tegestology study and collecting of beer mats
    Teleology study of final causes; analysis in terms of purpose
    Telmatology study of swamps
    Tempestology study of tropical cyclones, e.g. hurricanes
    Teratology study of birth defects and later abnormalities in living organisms
    Teuthology study of cephalopods
    Textology study of the production of texts
    Thalassography science of the sea
    Thanatology study of death and its customs
    Thaumatology study of miracles
    Theology study of religion; religious doctrine
    Theriatrics veterinary medicine
    Theriogenology study of animals' reproductive systems
    Thermodynamics study of relation of heat to motion
    Thermokinematics study of motion of heat
    Thermology study of heat
    Therology study of wild mammals
    Thremmatology science of breeding domestic animals and plants
    Threpsology science of nutrition
    Tidology study of tides
    Timbrology study of postage stamps
    Tocology obstetrics; midwifery
    Tokology study of childbirth
    Tonetics study of pronunciation
    Topology study of places and their natural features
    Toponymics study of place-names
    Toreutics study of artistic work in metal
    Toxicology study of poisons
    Toxophily love of archery; archery; study of archery
    Traumatology study of wounds and their effects
    Tribology study of friction and wear between surfaces
    Trichology study of hair and its disorders
    Trophology study of nutritionc
    Tsiganology study of gypsies
    Turbology study of tornadoes
    Turnery art of turning in a lathe
    Typhlology study of blindness and the blind
    Typography art of printing or using type
    Typology (disambiguation) study of types of things
    Word Definition
    Uranography descriptive astronomy and mapping
    Uranology study of the heavens; astronomy
    Urbanology study of cities
    Urenology study of rust molds
    Urology study of urine; urinary tract
    Word Definition
    Venereology study of venereal disease
    Vexillology study of flags
    Victimology study of victims
    Vinology scientific study of vines and winemaking
    Virology study of viruses
    Vitrics glassy materials; glassware; study of glassware
    Volcanology study of volcanoes
    Vulcanology study of volcanoes
    Word Definition
    Xylography art of engraving on wood
    Xylology study of wood
    Word Definition
    Zenography study of the planet Jupiter
    Zooarchaeology study of animal remains of archaeological sites
    Zoochemistry chemistry of animals
    Zoogeography study of geographic distribution of animals
    Zoogeology study of fossil animal remains
    Zoology study of animals
    Zoonomy animal physiology
    Zoonosology study of animal diseases
    Zoopathology study of animal diseases
    Zoophysics physics of animal bodies
    Zoophysiology study of physiology of animals
    Zoophytology study of plant-like animals
    Zoosemiotics study of animal communication
    Zootaxy science of classifying animals
    Zootechnics science of breeding animals
    Zygology science of joining and fastening
    Zymology science of fermentation
    Zymurgy branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling
    Zythology study of beer

    shape Important

    Science, a systematic study of the nature and manners of an object and the natural universe is primarily based on measurement, experiment, observation and formulation of laws. For the purposes of study, science is generally classified into different branches of science; and each branch is categorized in different type of subjects that covers different areas of studies such us chemistry, physics, math, astronomy etc. The primary major branches of science are, Mathematics and Logic, Biological Sciences, Physical Sciences and Social Sciences.
    Mathematics & Logic: Mathematics and Logic deals with abstract concepts. It goes hand in hand as both are needed in relation to finding out how social sciences and natural sciences work. They are also both needed in forming laws, theories and hypothesis. Even scientist needs this branch of science, as they would not come to a conclusion without any formulation.
    Biological Sciences: Biological Science deals with the study of living things. Biological science is divided into different sub topics. One of them is Zoology. It is a category under biology that focuses on the study of animal life. The study includes, and are not limited to, evolution, classification of both extinct and the living, structure and habits. Zoology also deals with embryology, which is the study of the animals' development of the embryo, from fertilization to fetus. Botany is the scientific study of plants and its life cycle. Including in this study are the plants diseases, reproduction, growth, chemical properties, structure and relationship. Ecology on the other hand deals with the study of the environment and its relationship to living organisms. The last category of biological science is Paleontology. This category of biology deals with the study of prehistoric era. Fossils are not just the main concern in paleontology, it can include any subject that is related with the past, and in other words it can be a study of the whole history of mankind and its life on earth.
    Social Sciences: Social Science is the study of the society and man's relationship to it. This study includes Anthropology, which is the study of human behavior and human development that considers cultural, social and physical aspects. Economics is another category under social science; this science studies goods and services, how they are being manufactured, distributed and consumed. Sociology meanwhile is the study of human society; it is more concerned in group activities and urban studies. This study is part of the social science branch, although synonymous when it comes to the name, sociology is more compound since it uses different methods of critical analysis and investigation to come up with a conclusion.
    Physical Sciences: Physical Sciences the last in four major branches of science, has geology, physics, chemistry and astronomy as its categories. Astronomy is the study of the heavenly bodies, like the stars, galaxies, comets and planets, while chemistry is the study of different substances, the changes they undergo and their compositions. It can be divided as well into two, which are the organic and inorganic chemistry. Physics is the study of matter and geology is the study of the physical property and composition of the earth. The study of earth's phenomena, its land and features is what Geology is all about. Another category of social science, it can be divided into two parts, which are the physical geography that deals with the land and human geography that deals with the land's inhabitants. Philosophy on the other hand is the pursuit of knowledge by means of moral, intellectual and self-discipline. Studying human behavior according to its principles is what psychology is all about.

    Type of Study Science Branches
    Study of Heavenly bodies Astronomy
    Study of bacteria and the diseases caused by them Bacteriology
    Science dealing with the origin and development of mankind Anthropology
    Study of cells Cytology
    Science dealing with the functions and the diseases of heart Cardiology
    Study of skin Dermatology
    Study of Blood Vascular System Angiology
    Study of Fungi and fungus diseases Mycology
    Study of Tumors Oncology
    Study of Liver and its diseases Hepatology
    Study of the Nervous system, its functions and its disorders Neurology
    Branch of Biology dealing with the phenomena of Heredity Genetics
    Study of causes of Diseases Etiology
    Study of Ears and their diseases Otology
    Study of Condition and Structure of Earth Geology
    Study of Kidneys and its function Nephrology
    Study of Birds Ornithology
    Study of Fossils Palaeontology
    Study of Bones Osteology
    Study of Soils Pedology
    Study of science dealing with Urinary system Urology
    Study of Viruses Virology
    Study of resistance of body against infection (immunity) Immunology
    Study of Muscles Myology
    Study of development of Embryos Embryology
    Study of Insects Entomology
    Study of Female Reproductive System Gynaecology
    Study of production of Three Dimensional Image using Laser Holography
    Study of Snakes Serpentology
    Production of Raw Silk by rearing of Silk Worms Sericulture
    Study of Algae Phycology
    Study of diseases, symptoms, cause and remedy Pathology
    Study of Serum Serology
    The Breeding, Rearing, and Transplantation of Fish Pisciculture
    Study of Eyes and its diseases Opthamology