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Sports Abbreviations

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Sports Abbreviations

Sports Abbreviations

shape Introduction

An Acronym or Abbreviation is a word or name whose letters are the first letters of a of a phrase or a word, usually individual letters and sometimes syllables. Those abbreviations that are pronounced as words are usually known as Acronyms. Example: NASA can be pronounced as a word and hence it can termed as an Acronym. NASA stands for The National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Example: WSJ which stands for Wall Street Journal cannot be pronounced as a word and is usually pronounced as 'W' 'S' 'J'. Hence WSJ is commonly referred to as an Abbreviation. People often create an acronym/abbreviation that means the same thing as a much longer phrase (set of words). Acronym/Abbreviation is a faster and shorter form of a long word or long phrase. Acronyms/Abbreviations are predominantly used in every field across the world. Example: IT is the Abbreviation of Information Technology.
A Sport is colossally defined as a competitive physical activity or game which is formally organized and at times is casually organized. Sports aim to maintain and improve the physical ability and skills of the players or participants while providing great entertainment to the viewers. Sports is a major income generating industry in several countries. Example: Basket Ball, Tennis, Foot Ball, Cricket, Shuttle etc. Considering the immense number of games and organizations worldwide, Sports Abbreviations were introduced for easier and quicker reference to various terms in different Sports. This article aims to provide the list of all abbreviations/acronyms that are widely used in Sports.

shape Sports

S.No. Abbreviations Expansions
1 AAAA Asian Amateur Athletics Association.
2 AAFI Amateur Athletics Federation of India.
3 ACA Australian Cricketer’s Association.
4 AFC American Football Conference.
5 AGF Asian Games Federation.
6 AIBA All India Boxing Assiciation.
7 AIDS Acquired Immuno Defeciency Syndrome.
8 AIFA All India Football Assiciation.
9 AIT All India Tennis Association.
10 AKFI Amateur Kabaddi Federation of India.
S.No. Abbreviations Expansions
1 BC Bangladesh Cricket Board.
2 BCCI Board of Control for Cricket in India.
3 BCA Baroda Cricket Association.
4 BPL Bangladesh Premier League.
S.No. Abbreviations Expansions
1 CA Cricket Australia.
2 CCI Cricket Club of India.
S.No. Abbreviations Expansions
1 DRS Decision Review System.
S.No. Abbreviations Expansions
1 ECB England and Wales Cricket Board.
2 ECC European Cricket Council.
3 ESPN Entertainment and Sports Programming Network.
S.No. Abbreviations Expansions
1 FICA Federation of International Cricketers’ Association.
2 FIFA International Football Federation.
3 FIH Federation of International Hockey.
S.No. Abbreviations Expansions
1 HI Hockey India.
2 HIL Hockey India League.
S.No. Abbreviations Expansions
1 IABF Indian Amateur Boxing Federation.
2 IBA International Badminton Federation.
3 ICC International Cricket Council.
4 ICL Indian Cricket League.
5 IOA Indian Olympic Associat.
6 IOC Internationaeel Olympic Committee.
7 IPL Indian Premier League.
8 ISF International Snowboard Federation.
S.No. Abbreviations Expansions
1 MCC Melbourne Cricket Club.
S.No. Abbreviations Expansions
1 NASCAR National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing.
2 NBA National Basketball Association.
3 NCAA National Collegiate Athletic Association.
4 NFL National Football League.
5 NHL National Hockey League.
6 NIS National Institute of Sports.
7 NOCSAE National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment.
8 NRAI National Riffel Association of India.
9 NSF National Sports Federation.
10 NZC New Zealand Cricket.
S.No. Abbreviations Expansions
1 ODI One Day International.
S.No. Abbreviations Expansions
1 PCA Punjab Cricket Association.
2 PCB Pakistan Cricket Board.
3 PGA Professional Golfers’ Association.
S.No. Abbreviations Expansions
1 SAI Sports Authority of India.
2 SCA Saurastra Cricket Association.
3 SCAT Sport Concussion Assessment Tool.
4 SLAM Sports as a Laboratory Assessment Model.
5 SLC Sri Lanka Crircket.
S.No. Abbreviations Expansions
1 TTFI Table Tennis Federation of India.
S.No. Abbreviations Expansions
1 UCBSA United Cricket Board of South Africa.
S.No. Abbreviations Expansions
1 VCA Veteran Cricket Association.
S.No. Abbreviations Expansions
1 WISPA Women’s International Squash Players Association.
2 WWF World Wrestling Federation.