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UPSC NDA and NA Physics Quiz 3

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UPSC NDA and NA Physics Quiz 3

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Physics is a very important subject for Railway Recruitment exams and UPSC Exams. UPSC NDA and NA Prelims Exam is the combination of Mathematics and General Ability. Physics is one of the most important topics in the General Ability section. All these questions are easily understandable format. UPSC NDA and NA Physics Quiz 3 is very useful to get the maximum marks from the General Ability sections. Candidates can check the daily updates at UPSC Official Website

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Paper Mode Subject Marks Duration
Paper-I Mathematics 200 Marks 2 hours
Paper-II General Ability 200 Marks 2 hours
UPSC NDA and NA Syllabus

shape Samples

1. What is the SI unit of potential difference?
    A. Volt B. Ampere C. Henry D. Ohm

Answer: Option A
2. What is the unit of electric charge?
    A. Ampere B. Coloumb C. Farad D. Henry

Answer: Option B
3. Which of the following is a conductor?
    A. Plastic B. porcelein C. Copper D. Wood

Answer: Option C
4. How is an ammeter connected in a circuit?
    A. Parallel B. Series C. Can be connected either in parallel or in series D. None of the above

Answer: Option B
5. The current flowing in a wire is in the ________ direction as that of the electrons flowing in the wire.
    A. Opposite B. Same C. Either same or opposite D. Cannot be determined

Answer: Option A
6. In the absence of the earth’s atmosphere, sky would appear:
    A. blue B. deep red C. white D. black

Answer: Option D
7. Ozone saves the biosphere by absorbing high energy radiations called __________.
    A. Infra-red (IR) B. Gamma rays C. Ultraviolet rays (UV) D. X-rays

Answer: Option C
8. Purpose of an optical filter is to ________.
    A. reflect lights of different colours B. dispense light into component colours C. refract light of different colours D. transmit or absorb light of different colours

Answer: Option D
9. In step-down transformer, the AC output gives the
    A. Current more than the input current B. Current less than the input current C. Current equal to the input current D. Voltage more than the input voltage

Answer: Option A
10. If two conducting spheres are separately charged and then brought in contact
    A. The total energy of the two spheres is conserved B. The total charge on the two spheres in conserved C. Both the total energy and the total charge are conserved D. The final potential is always the mean of the original potential of the two spheres

Answer: Option B
11. The final potential is always the mean of the original potential of the two spheres
    A. Relative temperature B. Absolute temperature C. Specific temperature D. Approximate temperature

Answer: Option C
12. Light Emitting Diode (LED) converts
    A. Light energy into electrical energy B. Electrical energy into light energy C. Thermal energy into light energy D. Mechanical energy into electrical energy

Answer: Option B
13. Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) is used to measure
    A. Spread of solid tumour B. Bone density C. Ulcerous growth in stomach D. Extent of brain hemorrhage

Answer: Option B
14. The main source of energy is sun is
    A. Nuclear fusion B. Nuclear fission C. Chemical reaction D. Mechanical energy

Answer: Option A
15. One kilowatt hour is equal to
    A. 3.6 Mega Joule B. 3.8 Mega Joule C. 3.2 Mega Joule D. 4.0 Mega Joule

Answer: Option A

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