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SSC RRB Biology Quiz

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SSC RRB Biology Quiz

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SSC RRB Biology Quiz article will Explore the complete SSC Biology Questions and Answers. This chapter questions are also useful for Science and Technology, RRB JE Mechanical Syllabus for CBT 2, and SSC CPO Exams. This Practice Test Paper gives provident strategy. The Practice Quiz Questions are given below.

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Q1. Which protein is found in nails?
Answer: Keratin
Q2. Where is Stapes bone found in human body?
Answer: Ears
Q3. ndoplasmic Reticulum are rough because of _______ present on their surface.
Answer: Ribosomes
Q4. Where is urine stored in human body?
Answer: Urinary bladder
Q5. Early blight is a common disease seen in
Answer: Potato
Q6. The function of nervous tissues is to conduct messages:
Answer: throughout the body
Q7. Human insulin is being commercially produced from a transgenic species of:
Answer: Escherichia
Q8. Which hormone is secreted by the pituitary to start the ovulation process?
Answer: Luteinising hormone
Q9. Involuntary actions including blood pressure, salivation and vomiting are controlled by the_____
Answer: Medulla
Q10. Ascaris, a kind of worm, lives in which part of the human body?
Answer: Small intestine
Q11. Human hypothalamus gland _______.
Answer: is present in the brain.
Q12. Ornithology is the study of _____.
Answer: Birds
Q13. Which is the reproductive organ of Angiosperms?
Answer: Flower
Q14. Elephants, Bears, and Rhinos are examples of
Answer: Mammals
Q15. To determine the health of a water body, what is measured?
Answer: Dissolved Oxygen
Q16. What does a plant do with the sugar it makes ?
Answer: Converts it into starch
Q17. Is virus a living being ?
Answer: No, because it does not possess the machinery to duplicate itself
Q18. Air enters the lungs due to movement of
Answer: Rib muscles and diaphragm
Q19. Fish has a streamlined body to
Answer: counter the resistance of water
Q20. The flowering plants belong to the group
Answer: Angiosperms
Q1. The plant organelles which can trip sunlight are
Answer: Chloroplasts only
Q2. The topmost skin layer that is exposed in a human body, is called __________.
Answer: Epidermis
Q3. What is the approximate Value of pH of Human Blood?
Answer: 7.4
Q4. The process of converting wet waste to manure is called:
Answer: Composting
Q5. Which pollutant in water causes "Minamata' disease?
Answer: Methyl Mercury
Q6. Plasma, Which is one of the blood’s constituent, is a __________
Answer: Liquid
Q7. ____, also known as ethanoic acid, is an organic chemical compound best recognized for giving vinegar its sour taste and pungent smell.
Answer: Acetic Acid
Q8. Cadaver refers to _____.
Answer: A dead human body used for anatomy
Q9. ___________cannot be corrected with spectacles.
Answer: Cataract
Q10. In a food chain, what is the difference between primary consumers and secondary consumers ?
Answer: Primary consumers eat only plant; secondary consumer eat primary consumers
Q11. Cholesterol is related to
Answer: Fats
Q12. The blood groups in man were discovered by
Answer: Landsteiner
Q13. Major requirement of protein in the body is for
Answer: Growth
Q14. The hardest part of a tooth is the
Answer: Enamel
Q15. Saliva has the enzyme.
Answer: Ptyalin
Q16. Haemoglobin is found
Answer: In RBC
Q17. Night blindness is caused by lack of vitamin -
Answer: Vitamin A
Q18. The blotting technique used to identify the isolated protein is ________
Answer: Western blotting
Q19. __ is a process by which metabolic waste is eliminated from an organism.
Answer: Excretion
Q20. The olfactory receptors in human beings detect ______.
Answer: Smell
Q1. Where does glucose breaks down into pyruvate?
Answer: Cytoplasm
Q2. Which forms a common passage for both the sperms and urine in human males?
Answer: Urethra
Q3. Plants utilise ________________ from the atmosphere for photosynthesis.
Answer: Carbon dioxide
Q4. The major component of thyroxin hormone is ____. Deficiency of ____ causes goitre.
Answer: Iodine
Q5. The cells of sclerenchyma tissue have their walls thickened due to which chemical substance?
Answer: Lignin
Q6. Which part of flower produces pollen grains that are generally yellowish in color?
Answer: Stamens
Q7. Many marine animals use _______________ dissolved in sea-water to make their shells.
Answer: Carbonates
Q8. Which tissue provides support to plants and also stores food?
Answer: Parenchyma
Q9. In sexual reproduction the male gametes are generally ______.
Answer: Both motile and small
Q10. The terminal part of the carpel in a flower, which may be sticky, is ______.
Answer: Stigma
Q11. Living things constitute the biotic component of the ___________________
Answer: Biosphere
Q12. Water which is suitable for drinking is called _______________ water.
Answer: Potable
Q13. Which type of pathogen causes the water-borne disease Dysentery?
Answer: Bacterial
Q14. Capra Hircus is the scientific name of ________.
Answer: Goat
Q15. In fertilisation of a flower, the fertilised central cell will develop into __________
Answer: Endosperm
Q16. Cockroaches belongs to the phylum____
Answer: Arthropoda
Q17. Which Vitamin is essential for the absorption of calcium?
Answer: Vitamin D
Q18. Build-up of which acid in our muscles during sudden activity causes cramps?
Answer: Lactic acid
Q19. Plants having body that is differentiated into roots, stems and leaves and have specialized tissue for the conduction of water and other substances, fall in which group?
Answer: Pteridophyta
Q20. Bacteria, blue-green algae or cyanobacteria and mycoplasma are examples of organisms of which kingdom?
Answer: Monera
Q1. Slow-growing large coloured patches on the bark of trees are the examples of symbiotic life forms called ______.
Answer: Lichens
Q2. Blood is a connective tissue embedded in which type of intercellular matrix?
Answer: Fluid
Q3. The wing of a bat and the wing of a bird are the examples of ______ limbs.
Answer: Analogous
Q4. How many versions of each trait will be there in each child as per the rules for the inheritance of traits?
Answer: Two
Q5. Organs having different structure and components but perform similar functions are called ______.
Answer: Analogous organs
Q6. Which is the longest part of alimentary canal?
Answer: Small intestine
Q7. Some amount of plasma, proteins and blood cells escape through the pores present in the walls of capillaries into the intercellular spaces in the tissue and form ______.
Answer: Lymph
Q8. Epidermal cells of which part of plant often secrete a waxy water resistant layer on their outer surface?
Answer: Aerial parts only
Q9. Which part of plant cell, is selectively permeable?
Answer: Cell membrane
Q10. The following nerves which are attached to the brain and emerge from the skull is__________?
Answer: Cranial Nerves
Q11. The primary consumer in an ecology chain is: __________.
Answer: Vegetarian
Q12. What is the most responsible factor for plant diseases?
Answer: Fungus
Q13. Which is the smallest flower in the world?
Answer: Wolffia
Q14. The edible part of an onion is _____________.
Answer: Fleshy leaves
Q15. The study of flowers is called ____________.
Answer: Anthology
Q16. An erythrocyte lives for approximately .
Answer: Four months
Q17. How does the pollination take place in maize?
Answer: Pollination by air
Q18. Study of fruits is called ____________.
Answer: Pomology
Q19. Where is the pituitary gland located?
Answer: Brain
Q20. What is a mushroom?
Answer: Fungus
Q1. The outer cover of plant cell is called ____________
Answer: Cell wall
Q2. Which impart yellow colour to urine in humans?
Answer: Urochrome
Q3. In which process plants convert potential energy into kinetic energy?
Answer: Respiration
Q4. Which part of the body most likely get affected when microbes enter the body through nose?
Answer: Lungs
Q5. Number of RBC in an adult man per of blood is ______.
Answer: 5000000
Q6. What type of interaction is necessary for the survival of both the partners in association?
Answer: Symbiosis
Q7. Which part of the plant helps in holding the plant firmly in the soil?
Answer: Roots
Q8. Plants with green and tender stems are called as _____.
Answer: Herbs
Q9. Which type of plants are usually short and may not have many branches?
Answer: Herbs
Q10. Oxygen is transported in blood mainly by _____.
Answer: Erythrocytes
Q11. Iron in haemoglobin exists as ______.
Answer: Ferrous ions only
Q12. Menopause is the stage in human female when ______.
Answer: Menstruation stops and reproductive capacity is arrested
Q13. In humans, exhaled air contains oxygen about .
Answer: 16%
Q14. The correct sequence of taxonomic categories is .
Answer: Division - class - order - family - genus - species
Q15. Ileum is .
Answer: last part of the small intestine
Q16. Pancreatic juice requires which medium for their action?
Answer: Basic
Q17. By which process the Chinese Scientists have cloned two identical long. tailed macaques?
Answer: Somatic cell nuclear transfer
Q18. The onion and garlic odour is due to the presence of which chemical?
Answer: Presence of sulfur
Q19. ____ of herbivores is lengthier than that of carnivores.
Answer: Intestine
Q20. _____ consume cellulose based food and it takes longer time to absorb nutrients from cellulose.
Answer: Herbivores
Q1. Scientists of which country have developed working human skeletal muscle from stem cells in the laboratory for the first time?
Answer: United States of America
Q2. The rhythmic contraction of the lining of muscles of canal to push the food along the gut is called ______.
Answer: Peristalsis
Q3. Which type of pigment is found in fruits and vitamins that are also known as pre-vitamins?
Answer: Carotenoids
Q4. In which form the energy remain stored in the body that is used during emergency situations?
Answer: Starch
Q5. ______ is a plant disease characterized by curling of leaves and caused by a fungus, genus Taphrina, or virus, especially genus Begomovirus of the family Geminiviridae. It is most often observed in chili, tomatoes, papaya, peach and almond plant.
Answer: Leaf curl
Q6. ______ is the essential oil found in cloves?
Answer: Eugenol
Q7. _______constitute the upper part of aquatic ecosystem.
Answer: Planktons
Q8. Deformed bones are associated with which disease?
Answer: Rickets
Q9. Prostate in human body is a
Answer: Gland
Q10. ZIKA virus which damages the brain of the foetus is
Answer: Mosquito borne
Q11. When a person can see only nearby objects, the condition is called
Answer: Myopia
Q12. Camel and Claming are the only mammals that posses ____ RBCs.
Answer: Nucleated
Q13. Acini and islets of langerhans are found in which gland?
Answer: Pancreas
Q14. 280 days is the gestation period of which animal?
Answer: Cow
Q15. Oncology is associated with treatment of
Answer: Cancer
Q16. The O-T-C medicine Crocin is an
Answer: Analgesic and antipyretic
Q17. Least distance of distinct vision for normal eye is
Answer: 25 cm
Q18. The test for diagnosing HIV is
Answer: ELISA
Q19. The medicine paracetamol is
Answer: An analgesic and antipyretic
Q20. Between small and large human intestine which one is longer?
Answer: Small intestine
Q1. What did Edward Jenner pioneer?
Answer: Vaccination
Q2. Which of the following is reared for its fleece/fiber?
Answer: Alpaca
Q3. Where in the human body can you find the islets of Langerhans?
Answer: Pancreas
Q4. Which is the only organ in the human body that can regrow/regenerate?
Answer: Liver
Q5. Pollination by wind is called?
Answer: Anemophily
Q6. When the human body temperature falls by about F below the normal body temperature, the condition is known
Answer: Hypothermia
Q7. A ______is a medical device for determining the approximate concentration of glucose in the blood.
Answer: Glucometer
Q8. A diet that contains the proper proportions of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, fibrous indigestible material, nutrients and water necessary to maintain good health is called a ____.
Answer: Balanced diet
Q9. A fish’s heart pump only deoxygenated blood as it is a ___-chambered heart with an atrium and a ventricle.
Answer: Two
Q10. There are over capillaries in our lungs.
Answer: 300 million
Q11. The function of the lens in our eyes is to
Answer: Change the focal distance of the eye
Q12. Arteries carry blood, that is filled with
Answer: Oxygen
Q13. ______is found in the plant cell but not in animal cell.
Answer: Chloroplast
Q14. _____ is the idea that new species are formed from the sudden and unexpected emergence of alterations in their defining traits.
Answer: Mutation
Q15. Spinal Cord originates from _________.
Answer: Medulla
Q16. A disease of dementia which increases the likelihood of young-onset Alzheimer is___________?
Answer: Down syndrome
Q17. Gout is a disease caused by excess accumulation of________?
Answer: Uric acid
Q18. What is the measure of temperature considered as normal in human body?
Answer: 98.6 degree F
Q19. Zeatin is produced in ___________and transported to __________in the xylem where it promotes cell division.
Answer: Roots, Shoots
Q20. Allergy Screening Blood Test for human beings does not include
Answer: HemoglobinA1C
Q1. __________ is not caused by airborne transmission.
Answer: Hepatitis B
Q2. In human body, vertebrae are part of ________
Answer: Spinal cord
Q3. The amount of light entering the human eyes is controlled by ___.
Answer: Pupil
Q4. The insect 'Apis mellifera' is commonly known as_______?
Answer: Honey Bee
Q5. Bone deformities occur due to________?
Answer: Excessive intake of Fluorine
Q6. ECG is done to diagnose an ailment related to________?
Answer: Heart
Q7. Rabies is usually transmitted through an animal bite, for example, from stray dogs. It is also known as ______.
Answer: Hydrophobia
Q8. _____ is caused by infection with a member of the genus Entero-virus known as poliovirus (PV).
Answer: Poliomyelitis
Q9. The part of the brain responsible for maintain balance like walking in a straight line or riding a bicycle is called
Answer: Cerebellum
Q10. The complete digestion of carbohydrates, proteins and fats takes place in_______
Answer: Small Intestine
Q11. Paternity can be determined by highly accurate tests conducted on blood or tissue samples of the father, mother and child. ____is the most suitable to judge paternity.
Answer: DNA Test
Q12. What do Longitudinal waves not exhibit?
Answer: Polarization
Q13. What is the persistence of vision for human eye?
Answer: 1/16th of a second
Q14. Where is Humerus bone situated?
Answer: Upper arm
Q15. What are the Number of the pairs of the spinal nerves?
Answer: 31
Q16. What is the percentage of Plasma in the total blood volume in human beings?
Answer: 55
Q17. _____is the main thinking part of the brain.
Answer: Fore Brain
Q18. Transpiration in tree is mainly effective during ______?
Answer: The time of sunset
Q19. Hemoglobin is used to transport _______.
Answer: Oxygen in human body
Q20. The building blocks of human body are_______.
Answer: Cells
Q1. Retina of human eye forms ____ and Inverted image.
Answer: Real
Q2. The _____ phenomenon which is responsible for the movement of water in plants is:
Answer: Concentration difference and Transpiration
Q3. The ending of a nerve cell used to acquire information from our environment is called:
Answer: Dendrite
Q4. The ________consists of cranial nerves arising from the brain and spinal nerves arising from the spinal cord.
Answer: Peripheral nervous system
Q5. Leukemia is a type of human disease which is
Answer: a cancer of the white blood cells
Q6. Science of the study of preserved remains or traces of animals, plants, and other organisms from the remote past is called
Answer: Paleontology
Q7. The plant hormone which is responsible for saving the crops from falling is ___.
Answer: Auxin
Q8. Gout is a disease caused by excess accumulation of________?
Answer: Uric acid
Q9. The 'lock and key hypothesis' mechanism is related with_________?
Answer: For enzyme specificity
Q10. The term Cyberknife is most closely associated with __________?
Answer: Cancer Surgery
Q11. Human blood platelets releases _________which helps in clotting of blood.
Answer: Prothrombin
Q12. Which part of the human brain is the centre for intelligence, memory and emotions?
Answer: Cerebrum
Q13. Which branch of medical science deals with the study and treatment of the liver?
Answer: Hepatology
Q14. A part in the human body which is popularly called the Adam’s apple is:
Answer: Thyroid
Q15. What type of medicine is used for treating indigestion?
Answer: Antacid
Q16. What is the Trachoma a disease of:
Answer: Eyes
Q17. A human adult's entire digestive tract from mouth to anus is about _____meters long.
Answer: 9
Q18. Human respiration releases
Answer: Carbon dioxide
Q19. Usually, colour blindness is
Answer: A genetic disposition.
Q20. Which is the fastest land animal in the World?
Answer: Cheetah
Q1. Rani khet bimari is a disease found in?
Answer: Poultry
Q2. Which tissue is responsible for flexibility in plants?
Answer: Collenchyma
Q3. What plant has the scientific name Solanum Tuberosum?
Answer: Potato
Q4. What are Vivipara?
Answer: Vertebrates that are born live
Q5. On an average, how many taste buds are present in a human tongue?
Answer: 2000 to 8000
Q6. How many bones does a new born human baby have?
Answer: 305
Q7. Birth control pills contain
Answer: Mixture of progesterone and estrogen derivative
Q8. Dried fruit like raisins when soaked in water, bulge and get filled with water. What is the scientific reason that explains this daily life event?
Answer: Osmosis
Q9. Yeast used in making bread
Answer: acts as a catalyst for fermentation
Q10. Leprosy is also known as
Answer: Hansen's disease
Q11. A doctor advised a person to take injection of insulin because his/her:
Answer: Blood sugar was high
Q12. How many chambers in heart of frog?
Answer: 3
Q13. What is the edible part of Lichi?
Answer: Aril
Q14. How many bones are present in face and skull of a human being?
Answer: 22
Q15. What is the reason for the characteristic odour of garlic?
Answer: A sulphur compound
Q16. What is the main source of renin?
Answer: Kidney
Q17. Sphygmomanometer is used to measure which of the following?
Answer: Blood pressure
Q18. Corpus luteum secretes which hormone to maintain pregnancy?
Answer: Progesterone
Q19. Which vitamin is chemically named as Naphthoquinone?
Answer: Vitamin K
Q20. Malpighian tubules are associated with which biological process?
Answer: Excretion
Q1. The exudation of water droplets on the tips or edges of leaves of some vascular plants, is known as...........?
Answer: Guttation
Q2. Which bird is having the largest egg?
Answer: Ostrich
Q3. What is the main source of renin?
Answer: Kidney
Q4. Sphygmomanometer is used to measure ________
Answer: Blood Pressure
Q5. Corpus luteum secretes which hormone to maintain pregnancy?
Answer: Progesterone
Q6. ______is responsible for causing amoebic dysentery.
Answer: Protozoan
Q7. Malpighian tubules are associated with which biological process?
Answer: Excretion
Q8. The branch of biology which deals with insects is called as........?
Answer: Entomology
Q9. Muscle pain that occurs after a hard workout in gym is due to
Answer: Formation of Lactic Acid
Q10. Which fruit is the only that wears their seeds on the outside?
Answer: Strawberries
Q11. In the plant kingdom Largest ovule is found in
Answer: Cycas
Q12. An edible part of cauliflower is called
Answer: flower
Q13. Gymnosperms plants produce neither flower nor fruit because they do not possess
Answer: Ovary
Q14. The process of taking food into our bodies is called ______
Answer: Ingestion
Q15. How much brain Leeches have?
Answer: 32
Q16. How much blood an average adult can lose up to which blood pressure and heart rate will stay close to normal.
Answer: 30 percent
Q17. Synthesized food is stored in which form in leaves?
Answer: Starch
Q18. Exobiology is the study of _____
Answer: Life on other planets
Q19. Red root is the another name of
Answer: Beet root
Q20. The process of water movement through a plant and its evaporation from aerial parts is called?
Answer: Transpiration
Q1. Name of the scientist who first studied living cells?
Answer: Robert Hooke
Q2. Which Vitamin is important for brain function the synthesis of red blood cells.
Answer: Vitamin B12
Q3. Genetic Mutation occurs in _______
Answer: DNA
Q4. The lifespan of white blood cells range from
Answer: 13 to 20 days
Q5. Which animal that has a tongue longer than its body?
Answer: Chameleon
Q6. Plants absorb dissolved nitrates from soil and convert them into
Answer: Free nitrogen
Q7. When pollen tube enters the ovule through chalaza, it is-
Answer: Chalazogamy
Q8. Shedding of leaves, flower, fruit or seed in plants is due to _________
Answer: Abscisic acid
Q9. The dramatic changes in body features associated with puberty are mainly because of the secretions of:
Answer: Testosterone from testes and estrogen from ovary
Q10. The excretory unit of the human kidney is known as:
Answer: Nephron
Q11. What is the name of shortest bone in the human body?
Answer: Stapes
Q12. Potato is a ____.
Answer: Tuber
Q13. The segments of DNA or RNA coding for protein are called ?
Answer: Exons
Q14. Photosynthesis is the process by which plants______.
Answer: Produce food
Q15. Name the virus causing Chickenpox?
Answer: Varicella Virus
Q16. What is the normal temperature of human body?
Answer: 37°C
Q17. Which compound present in D.N.A. does not form amino acid?
Answer: Tyrosine
Q18. How many times a healthy person’s average heart beats in a minute?
Answer: 72 times
Q19. The hormone which is known as ‘emergency hormone’ is______?
Answer: Adrenaline
Q20. Blood, Bones and Cartilage are made up of a special type of_________?
Answer: Connective tissue
Q1. The sex of a newborn baby is determined by the chromosome inherited from_________?
Answer: The Father
Q2. What is the name of the longest cell in human body?
Answer: Nerve cell
Q3. Tikka disease is related with the crop___________?
Answer: Ground nut
Q4. Which mosquito causes Dengue fever?
Answer: Aedes aegypti
Q5. The gland which is responsible for growth and metamorphosis is_________?
Answer: Thyroid
Q6. Which disease is caused by the deficiency of calcium?
Answer: Osteoporosis
Q7. Which one is responsible for Coagulation of blood?
Answer: Fibrinogen
Q8. Among the biotic components of the ecosystem, the producer system is___________?
Answer: Green Plants
Q9. The disease caused by deficiency of protein in children is called________?
Answer: kwashiorkor
Q10. What is the average blood pressure of a human?
Answer: 120/80
Q11. Alpha-keratin protein is present in which part/organ of human body?
Answer: Skin
Q12. What is the blood glucose level commonly expressed as?
Answer: milligram per deciliter
Q13. Which part of human body produces the bile juice?
Answer: Liver
Q14. A resting person usually has a pulse rate
Answer: Between 72-80
Q15. At the age of 3 years, the number of bones in human body is approximately
Answer: 300
Q16. In human body, calcium and phosphate of blood are regulated by__________?
Answer: Parathyroid hormone
Q17. How much percentage of water in an infant human body is around?
Answer: 78%
Q18. Many young people get acne and pimples on the face due to ________?
Answer: increased activity of Sebaceous gland
Q19. Lymphocyte cells are formed in ________?
Answer: Spleen
Q20. Phycology is the branch of Botany in which______?
Answer: we study about Algae
Q1. _______ is required for the synthesis of nucleic acid.
Answer: Folic acid
Q2. Hepatitis is a disease caused by________?
Answer: Viruses
Q3. Which of the following hormone accelerates the rate of heartbeat?
Answer: adrenaline
Q4. The enzyme which is necessary to bring about clotting of blood is_____?
Answer: thrombokinase
Q5. The energy released by 1 gram of glucose is________?
Answer: 4 kcal
Q6. The plant dye Henna imparts orange-red colour to skin and hairs due to its reaction with ______?
Answer: Protein and amino acids
Q7. ______ is without red blood cells.
Answer: Earthworm
Q8. The corner of the cells of collenchyma tissue in plant is thickened due to_____?
Answer: deposition of Cellulose and pectin
Q9. Total salt content in blood is ________?
Answer: about 0.85 to 0.9%
Q10. The enzyme which is necessary to bring about clotting of blood is_____? .
Answer: thrombokinase
Q11. Why does only male frog produce croaking sound?.
Answer: because Male frog have three pair of vocal cord
Q12. The organelle in the cell, other than nucleus, contains DNA is_______?
Answer: Mitochondria
Q13. Thyroid gland is situated_______?
Answer: Below the Larynx
Q14. An organism which contains single chromosome and cell division occurs through fission or budding is____________?
Answer: Prokaryotes
Q15. A ________ is a type of virus that attacks only bacteria. It uses the bacteria to reproduce itself. Bacteriophages work by injecting their own DNA into bacterial cells.
Answer: bacteriophage
Q16. The plant hormone which is helpful in making RNA and protein is________?
Answer: Cytokinins
Q17. The part of human body which has greatest number Sweat glands is__________?
Answer: The palm of the hand
Q18. The unit of Nervous system is______________?
Answer: Neuron
Q19. ______ in Hindbrain controls the involuntary actions of our body.
Answer: Medulla
Q20. Leptospirosis is ………………………?
Answer: Infectious Disease
Q1. Cobalt is a component of the Vitamin_________?
Answer: Vitamin B12 .
Q2. The animals which eat both plants and animals are known as_________?
Answer: Omnivores
Q3. The disease which has a suffix encephalitis after its name is generally a disorder of ______?
Answer: Brain
Q4. The outer most boundary of cell is____________?
Answer: Plasma membrane
Q5. How does Dementia happen?
Answer: It may be caused due to HIV infection
Q6. The digestive enzyme ____ is required to digest fat.
Answer: lipase
Q7. What is the process of getting back a full organism from its body part called?
Answer: Regeneration
Q8. The 'mad-cow disease' is caused by__________?
Answer: Prion
Q9. Excess ______ are broken down in the liver to form urea. This is excreted by the kidneys in urine.
Answer: amino acids
Q10. The total number of permanent incisors in both the upper and lower jaws of the cattle and buffaloes are____?
Answer: 8
Q11. What is Spermology?
Answer: it is the study of seed
Q12. What quantity of carbohydrates is present in a hen’s egg?
Answer: 0.61 g
Q13. Deep fried foods contain which type of substances that harms health?
Answer: Carcinogenic
Q14. Scar tissues replace the original tissues of the organs in which viral disease?
Answer: Liver Cirrhosis
Q15. Southern blotting technique is used in.....?
Answer: To detect specific DNA sequence
Q16. Jaundice is an early symptom of which organ disease?
Answer: Liver
Q17. Osteoblast is commonly called as.....?
Answer: Bone cells
Q18. Which weed is widely used to reduce water pollution caused by industries effluents?
Answer: Elephant Grass
Q19. Silviculture is associated with which of the following?
Answer: Forest
Q20. Yawning is caused due to.....?
Answer: Excess concentration of carbon dioxide
Q1. Which element is crucially essential for blood clotting?
Answer: Calcium
Q2. Which part of eye is affected in myopia?
Answer: Eyeball
Q3. What is the estimated time taken by RBC to circulate in human body?
Answer: 20 Sec
Q4. What does the little bumps on the tongue is called?
Answer: Papillae
Q5. In Cystic Fibrosis which part of body is damaged most?
Answer: Lungs and Pancreas
Q6. Which mineral is essential for the transportation of oxygen in the cell?
Answer: Iron
Q7. _______ is inflammation of the airspaces in the lungs which is most commonly caused due to an infection caused by the bacteria called Streptococcus pneumoniae.
Answer: Pneumonia
Q8. Which type of muscle represents voluntary action?
Answer: Skeletal
Q9.Antibody is also known as ______ (Ig) i.e. a large Y-shaped protein with both heavy and light polypeptide chains that is used by the immune system to lock neutralize the pathogens.
Answer: immunoglobin
Q10. Who proposes the theory of origin of life on earth?
Answer: Haldane
Q11. The component in light causes suppression of melatonin produced by the pineal gland is_______?
Answer: Blue
Q12. The disease is caused by deficiency of Nicotinic acid is_______?
Answer: Pellagra
Q13. The number of arteries present in Human Umbilical Cord are______?
Answer: 2
Q14.An organ in human body produces albumin which is one of the major components of blood serum is________?
Answer: Liver
Q15. What is the process called by which new species develop from the existing species?
Answer: Speciation
Q16. What is called the longest fibre on the cell body of a neuron?
Answer: Axon
Q17. The bacterium which is responsible for the formation of curd is_________?
Answer: Lactic acid bacteria
Q18. ____ led to the expulsion of milk from the breast during suckling.
Answer: Oxytocin
Q19. Human Papilloma Virus is related to ________?
Answer: Cervical Cancer
Q20. Conchology is the study of …….?
Answer: Shell
Q1. Edible mushrooms are the typical example of ……?
Answer: Fungus
Q2. Which part of mollusc secretes the shell material?
Answer: Mantle
Q3. What are the Signs of Vitamin C Deficiency?
Answer: Fatigue
Q4. The corona virus that kills human is______?
Answer: SARS
Q5. Causing agent of a disease produces Integrase enzyme which is________?
Answer: AIDS
Q6. The group which represents the most commonly found cancers in the world is_______?
Answer: Carcinoma
Q7. In which part of the body digestion of protein begins?
Answer: Stomach
Q8. It is not advisable to sleep under a tree at night because of___________?
Answer: Release of carbon dioxide
Q9. Chicken pox is transmitted by which mode?
Answer: Air
Q10. Which is the largest part of pituitary gland?
Answer: Frontal lobe
Q11. How many stages of cell division are observed in mitosis?
Answer: 5
Q12. Who is known as the father of microscopic anatomy?
Answer: Marcello Malphigi
Q13. Singer and Nicolsan were associated with …..?
Answer: Fluid Mosaic Model
Q14. Insulin’s are developed in which cell?
Answer: Beta cells of pancreas
Q15. Which vitamin is chemically named as Panothenic acid?
Answer: Vitamin B5
Q16. HIV attacks which cell on the very first invasion to the human body?
Answer: CD 4
Q17. Otology is associated with the study of ….?
Answer: Ear
Q18. The Glands which are associated with the Human Digestive System is_________?
Answer: Salivary Glands, Liver & Pancreas
Q19. The nerves which are attached to the brain and emerge from the skull is_________?
Answer: Cranial Nerves
Q20. What is the pigment that is responsible for absorption of light in plants?
Answer: Chlorophyll
Q1. What is the process of removal of toxic wastes from the body of an organism called?
Answer: Excretion
Q2. The part of the Quinine plant is commonly used drug for Malaria is_________?
Answer: Stem bark
Q3. An extension of the epidermal cells of a root which is in direct contact with the soil is__________?
Answer: Root Hairs
Q4. What is the Cause of Bunchy top of banana plant disease?
Answer: Virus
Q5. Pest-resistant cotton commonly known as ‘Bt-Cotton’ is genetically engineered by inserting a gene from a -
Answer: Bacteria
Q6. Which is the largest phylum in animal kingdom?
Answer: Arthropoda
Q7. Life span of RBC?
Answer: 120 Days
Q8. Where the digestion of Proteins occurs?
Answer: Duodenum
Q9. Chemical Name of Vitamin E -
Answer: Tocopherols
Q10. What happen when one gets exposed to carbon monoxide which is extremely dangerous and can kill a patient?
Answer: COHb is stable compound and thus deprives blood of its ability to transport oxygen
Q11. The statement "I flatter myself having discovered the method that nature employs to purify air. It is vegetation." who said?
Answer: Joseph Priestley
Q12. In how much time human will lose his consciousness if blood stops flowing to the brain?
Answer: 5 sec
Q13. What is Bombyx mori that produces fine filaments of silk inside the cocoon?
Answer: Moth
Q14. Somatotrophic hormone affects the growth of which part of the human body?
Answer: Bones
Q15. Chemical name of Vitamin K is_________?
Answer: 2 Methyl-1, 4-naphthoquinone
Q16. What is the 'xylem' in plants responsible for?
Answer: Transportation of water
Q17. The five major plant hormones are auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins, abscisic acid, and _____.
Answer: ethylene
Q18. What is the term used for pathological increase in the count of platelets?
Answer: Thrombocytosis
Q19. _______ is the master gland which is responsible for the secretion of major hormones like GH, FSH,PRL, ACTH, TSH and LH.
Answer: Pituitary gland
Q20. Myelin sheath is associated with
Answer: Neurons
Q1. Which cell organelles possess another set of DNA inside the cell body?
Answer: Mitochondria
Q2. ______, endoplasmic reticulum, hemoglobin and vesicles are together responsible to transport ions, molecules and protein as well in the human body.
Answer: Golgi bodies
Q3. As per the scientific theories human mind can be classified into how many stages?
Answer: Three
Q4. _____ is the most intelligent organism in the world.
Answer: Great Ape
Q5. ________ is the disorder of eye which is often called spider view. In this disorder a person cannot distinguish between horizontal and vertical lines.
Answer: Astigmatism
Q6. _______ is a viral disease cause by the mumps virus. It is recognized by fever, muscle pain, headache and poor appetite.
Answer: Mumps
Q7. ______, gibberellins are the hormones that promotes growth by promoting cell division whereas abscisic acid is a plant hormone that induces dormancy. Hence inhibits plant growth.
Answer: Auxins
Q8. ______ is a device which is used to measure blood pressure using the mercury. This device is also called blood pressure meter or blood pressure gauge.
Answer: Sphygmomanometer
Q9. The common salt is iodized to prevent the occurrence of which of the following diseases in the human body?
Answer: Goitre
Q10. Rh factor is related to
Answer: Blood Transfusion
Q11. Chlorophyll, the green pigment of plants, Contains which of the following element
Answer: Magnesium
Q12. ____ can be used as air pollution indicators, especially of the concentration of sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere.
Answer: Lichens
Q13. What is the protein inside red blood cells that carries oxygen?
Answer: Hemoglobin
Q14. _____ (or flowering hormone) is the hypothesized hormone-like molecule responsible for controlling and/or triggering flowering in plants.
Answer: Florigen
Q15. What is the acid that produces in stomach to help digestion of food?
Answer: Hydrochloric acid
Q16. Human body can store roughly ____ grams, or 2,000 calories' worth, of carbohydrates in your liver and muscles.
Answer: 500
Q17. ______ is a condition characterized by Bruising, bleeding gums, weakness, fatigue and rash are among scurvy symptoms by a prolonged deficiency of vitamin C(ascorbic acid) in the diet.
Answer: Scurvy
Q18. AIDS virus is made up of ?
Answer: Single-stranded RNA
Q19. Which deficiency is a disorder which may cause dental caries -
Answer: Fluorine
Q20. Antibody formation takes place in _____.
Answer: Lymphocytes
Q1. Query fever or q fever is spread to humans by ______
Answer: Animals
Q2. Neonatal tetanus is …..
Answer: Bacterial infection
Q3. Litmus, a water-soluble mixture, extracted from lichens is obtained from
Answer: Fungus
Q4. Lifespan of Leukocytes is-
Answer: 13 to 20 days
Q5. _______also called leukocytes or leucocytes.
Answer: White blood cells (WBCs),
Q6. The long, slender projection of a nerve cell that conducts electrical impulses (carrying information) away from the nerve cell body and transmits this information to different neurons, muscles, and glands is known as
Answer: Axon
Q7. When the electric impulse travels along the axon and reaches the other end called the synaptic terminal, this impulse triggers the release of
Answer: Vesicles
Q8. The food which is going to enter small intestine from the stomach is acidic in nature and has to be alkaline for the pancreatic enzymes to act. Which is the organ that accomplishes?
Answer: Liver
Q9. ____ releases Bile juice which converts the acidic enzymes into alkaline.
Answer: Liver
Q10. Organisms using simple food material acquired from inorganic sources in the form of carbon dioxide and water are called
Answer: Autotrophs
Q11. A _______ is a plant that derives some or all of its nutritional requirements from another living plant.
Answer: parasitic plant
Q12. ______ is found in two main areas – saliva in the mouth and pancreatic juice in the pancreas. Pancreatic juice is secreted into the small intestine where it helps continue digestion. In both areas amylase helps to break down starch into simpler sugars.
Answer: Amylase
Q13. ECG is done to diagnose an ailment connected with?
Answer: Heart
Q14. What is the most basic criteria used to decide whether something is alive?
Answer: Life processes
Q15. The site where complete digestion of carbohydrates, proteins and fats takes place is called
Answer: Small Intestine
Q16. The ending of a nerve cell used to acquire information from our environment is called:
Answer: Dendrite
Q17. ______ are those where we act rapidly/ without thinking.
Answer: Reflex actions
Q18. Receptors used to detect taste are known as:
Answer: Gustatory receptors
Q19. _____ carries deoxygenated blood from different parts of body to the lungs via heart. And in order to prevent the back flow of deoxygenated blood they are provided with valves.
Answer: Vein
Q20. Biologically silk can be classified as …?
Answer: Protein
Q1. In which medium does the gastric juice works in an effective manner?
Answer: Acidic
Q2. A person is facing an issue regarding the metabolism of fats, which part of his brain can be said to malfunction?
Answer: Hypothalamus
Q3. Which catalyst is used in conversion of sucrose into glucose and fructose?
Answer: Invertase
Q4. Tuberculosis is which type of disease ?
Answer: Bacterial
Q5. _____curve is obtained when a population grows in the absence of environmental resistance.
Answer: J - shaped
Q6. ________ is secreted by pituitary gland which targets testes or ovaries and it is responsible for the development of corpus luteum and progesterone secretion in females and testosterone secretion in males.
Answer: Luteinizing hormone
Q7. The evolution of fish can be traced in which era?
Answer: Paleozoic
Q8. Which mosquito is responsible for Japanese encephalitis?
Answer: Culex
Q9. Wind, water, and animals are the _______to carry the seed from one place to another.
Answer: mediums
Q10. In prokaryotes during aerobic respiration one molecule of glucose releases ____.
Answer: 36 ATP
Q11. ______ is secreted in stomach which converts protein into peptones.
Answer: Pepsin
Q12. ____ are thick walled as they carry oxygenated blood through them.
Answer: Arteries
Q13. Which organism has single functional ovary instead of two ovaries?
Answer: Birds
Q14. Ptyalin which is an enzyme present in human saliva acts on glucose to convert it into ….?
Answer: Maltose
Q15. Typhoid is caused due to the bacteria called ______
Answer: Salmonella typhi
Q16. Eutrophication can cause a decrease in the quantity of …?
Answer: Dissolved oxygen
Q17. Which term is used for the application of biotechnology in medical process?
Answer: Red biotechnology
Q18. ______ is the first cloned pashmina goat, this cloning was jointly done by SKAUST and NDRI.
Answer: Noori
Q19. Mycorrhiza is said to be the mutualistic association between higher root of plants and …..?
Answer: Fungi
Q20. ______ is protein digesting enzyme which converts caseinogen in casein.
Answer: Rennin
Q1. Thrombocytosis indicates the pathological increase in ….?
Answer: Platelets
Q2. The systolic and the diastolic pressure of blood produces the lub dub sound in the ____.
Answer: heart
Q3. _______ is double walled cup like structure which constitutes nephron and carries out the ultra-filtration.
Answer: Bowman’s Capsule
Q4. In which form is the carbon dioxide circulated in the blood?
Answer: Magnesium Carbonate
Q5. What is the average gestation period of the cow?
Answer: 280 days
Q6. ______contains a large amount of fat as compare to buffalo, cow and camel.
Answer: Reindeer’s milk
Q7. Anti-malarial drug quinine is made from the bark of ______.
Answer: cinchona
Q8. Which element increases the absorption of water in plants?
Answer: Manganese
Q9. Calcium is necessary for the strength of bones and teeth and is abundantly present in _____.
Answer: maize
Q10. Mutation refers to sudden change in the genetic composition and the theory was postulated by _____.
Answer: Hugo De Vries
Q11. The evolution of human species is mainly associated with …..?
Answer: Africa
Q12. Which cell has the ability to develop into any type of cell?
Answer: Stem Cell
Q13. Who determines the structure of DNA?
Answer: Watson and Crick
Q14. Which sugar is expressed in RNA?
Answer: Ribose
Q15. _____ is a multi-branched polyacrylamide of glucose that serves as a form of energy storage in humans, animals, fungi, and bacteria.Glycogen, sometimes called "animal starch".
Answer: Glycogen
Q16. Which human organ is responsible for balancing water levels and salt levels?
Answer: Kidneys
Q17. Which vitamin is generally exerted by human in urine?
Answer: Vitamin C
Q18. The ______ are a group of seed-producing plants that includes conifers, cycads, Ginkgo, and gnetophytes.
Answer: gymnosperms
Q19. ______ was a female domestic sheep, and the first mammal cloned from an adult somatic cell, using the process of nuclear transfer.
Answer: Dolly
Q20. If the cell gets damaged, then one of the lysosomes bursts, releasing those digestive enzymes. The released enzymes then digest their own cell and ultimately the cell dies. Hence, lysosomes are called ______of the cell.
Answer: suicide bags
Q1. Beriberi is a disease caused by a vitamin B-1 deficiency, also known as ______.
Answer: thiamine deficiency
Q2. Hemophilia is :
Answer: Blood doesn't clot normally
Q3. With which of the body organ ‘Pacemaker’ is associated with
Answer: Heart
Q4. Enzymes are known to catalyze more than 5,000 biochemical reaction types. Most enzymes are _____.
Answer: proteins
Q5. Femur is ……. in the human body?
Answer: Largest bone
Q6. The formation of blood platelets takes place in.
Answer: Bone marrow
Q7. Which vitamin Plays an important role in blood clotting?
Answer: Vitamin K
Q8. _____of sugarcane disease is caused by Colletotrichum falcatum Went
Answer: Red rot
Q9. The study of relations of organisms to one another and to their physical surroundings is defined as?
Answer: Ecology
Q10. HIV often changes its shape due to the presence of?
Answer: Reverse Transcriptase
Q11. Humerus bone is situated in
Answer: Upper Arm
Q12. What is the name of the fungus that grows on bread?
Answer: Rhizopus
Q13. What is Quinine and is obtained from which plant?
Answer: bark, Cinchona
Q14. Chromosomes are found in?
Answer: Plant and Nucleus
Q15. If you are eating a carrot, that means you are eating a?
Answer: Root
Q16. Which plant hormone is known as STRESS HORMONE in plants?
Answer: Abscisic acid
Q17. In human each cell contains how many chromosomes.
Answer: 46
Q18. The process of producing similar populations of genetically identical individuals is called
Answer: Cloning
Q19. Yellow colour of cow’s milk is due to the presence of?
Answer: Carotene
Q20. Which part of the plant are the lungs of the plant?
Answer: Leaves
Q1. What name is given to organisms that are so small and can be seen through a microscope?
Answer: Microorganisms
Q2. Name the parts of Amoeba which help it in moving and also in capturing the food.
Answer: Pseudopodia
Q3. What type of plants can fix nitrogen gas of the air into compounds of nitrogen?
Answer: Leguminous plants
Q4. Food passes through the stomach directly by:
Answer: the small intestine
Q5. Your body needs vitamins and minerals because:
Answer: they help carry out metabolic reactions
Q6. Name the causative micro-organisms of the foot and mouth animal disease.
Answer: Virus
Q7. Those organisms which cannot make food themselves by the process of photosynthesis and take food from green plants or animals are called _____
Answer: Hetrotrophs
Q8. Alcohol is produced with the help of _______.
Answer: Yeast
Q9. A substance needed by the body for growth, energy, repair and maintenance is called a:
Answer: nutrient
Q10. How much energy per unit is liberated during anaerobic respiration?
Answer: 28 KCal
Q11. Xerophthalmia is associated with the deficiency of __________.
Answer: Vitamin A
Q12. Which genetic disorder is associated with an additional chromosome 13?
Answer: Patau Syndrome
Q13. Henle’s loop which is associated with excretory system is found in which shape?
Answer: U – shaped
Q14. Sea Urchin is associated with which phylum?
Answer: Echinodermata
Q15. Which period evidenced the extinction of Dinosaurs?
Answer: Cretaceous
Q16. Fontana is associated with the discovery of ….?
Answer: Nucleolus
Q17. Dendrology is study of ….?
Answer: Trees
Q18. A person is feeling immense pain after an operation, which part of brain is making him feel such pain?
Answer: Thalamus
Q19. A vitamin is chemically called calciferol, it can be self synthesized by the body. It is likely to be…..?
Answer: Vitamin D
Q20. RBC when viewed single is ______ in colour but if viewed in group it appears red in colour.
Answer: yellow
Q1. _______ is highly modified saliva that consists zootoxin and is harmful for those creatures who lacks in the metabolism to digest it.
Answer: Snake venom
Q2. The smallest Human Chromosome is________?
Answer: Chromosome 21
Q3. The useful part of Zingier officinale is ____?
Answer: Rhizome
Q4. _______ is expressed in two numbers. The higher number is known as Systolic Pressure, or the amount of force (as measured in millimetres of mercury) that is exerted against the artery walls during a heartbeat (contraction). The lower number in the Diastolic pressure, which does the force exist while the heart is resting between beats.
Answer: Blood Pressure
Q5. Percentage of Glucose in the Urine of a healthy person is ___________?
Answer: 0 %
Q6. The bacterial cells which are found in cubical packets are _________?
Answer: Sarcinae
Q7. Largest animal Phylum from the following is_________?
Answer: Arthropoda
Q8. Hodophobia is a fear from_______?
Answer: Traveling
Q9. Plants having respiratory roots are________?
Answer: Mangroves
Q10. Rafflesia is which type of plant that has the largest flowers and found in many parts of the South East Asia?
Answer: Parasitic Plant
Q11. Lemurs belong to which group?
Answer: Primates
Q12. The calcareous sponges of class _____ are members of the animal phylum Porifera, the cellular sponges. They are characterized by spicules made out of calcium carbonate in the form of calcite or aragonite.
Answer: Calcarea
Q13. How many the Chromosomes are there, affected by Turner syndrome?
Answer: 45
Q14. The process of cell division happens in_______?
Answer: mitosis
Q15. Hypoglycemia is correctly defined by__________?
Answer: Lower than normal level of thyroxin secretion
Q16. Pleura is found in which part of the human body?
Answer: Lungs
Q17. The most commonly found cancers in the world is from the group of____________?
Answer: Carcinoma
Q18. _______ is Radish. The Edible parts are roots, but Radish leaves and seedpods which are fruits are also edible.
Answer: Raphanus sativus
Q19. Who suggested first the existence of genes?
Answer: Gregor Mendel
Q20. The organism that grows on Common Bread is____________?
Answer: Mucor

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